
Temporary pay increases

All temporary pay increases (TPIs) for professional staff require central approval. There are two types of temporary pay increases:

Temporary Pay Increase – A professional staff employee who temporarily assumes additional responsibilities for ten or more working days may receive a temporary pay increase of at least five percent over their current salary. It is also an acceptable means for temporarily paying a professional staff employee for increased workload/duties at the same level, provided that temporary is at least ten work day in duration. A Temporary Pay Increase (TPI) requires advance approval of the Integrated Service Center (ISC) or the Compensation office.

Administrative Supplement – An Administrative Supplement (ADS) is a lump sum amount added to an employee’s gross monthly salary to recognize the assumption of higher-level administrative responsibilities. Only overtime exempt professional staff are eligible to receive administrative supplements.

Both TPIs and ADSs for professional staff are “allowances” in Workday.

Processing a temporary pay increase or administrative supplement request

For campus positions:  Submit requests and/or extension request through Workday following the Request Compensation Change – Staff Campus instructions. Contact Employee Workday Help if you have questions. 

For medical center positions: Complete and submit the Professional Staff Temporary Pay Increase or Administrative Supplement (TPI or ADS) – Med Centers Only (MS Word) form and send to Med Centers HR Workforce Management Systems. Contact Med Centers Compensation with questions.