
Excess compensation

Under exceptional circumstances overtime exempt professional staff may qualify for excess compensation for work that is not part of a position’s regular duties, and that is typically performed outside of the employee’s regular department. If a professional staff employee temporarily takes on additional duties for their regular department, a temporary pay increase may be appropriate.

Examples of work that might qualify for excess compensation when they are not part of an employee’s regular position are:

  • Conducting statistical analysis of another unit’s research data
  • Assisting with the commissioning of a telescope
  • Developing adjunct course curriculum
  • Conducting a writing workshop
  • Serving as a guest speaker for an extension class

Teaching in the regular University curriculum should normally be included in an employee’s regular work schedule. The appropriate dean, vice president, or the provost may approve excess compensation for teaching when:

  1. The request to teach is an exceptional circumstance;
  2. The request is not expected to be repeated;
  3. The teaching is clearly in addition to regular University duties; and,
  4. The activities cannot be accommodated by release time.

Teaching in for-credit courses requires Office for Academic Personnel and Faculty approval.

Excess compensation may not exceed 25% of an employee’s regular annual salary. Unlike excess compensation for faculty, professional staff can receive excess compensation for direct service on a research grant or from research grant funds subject to specific grant provisions.

Overtime eligible professional staff do not qualify for “excess compensation”.

Requesting excess compensation

Campus: Excess compensation changes are processed in Workday. Follow the Request Compensation Change – Staff Campus user guide and contact if you have questions.

Medical centers: Excess compensation changes are processed in Workday. Follow the Request Compensation Change – Medical Centers user guide and contact if you have questions.