Human Resources



ASE Time Off Tracking Guide (PDF)

Absence Request for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking (PDF)

Accommodation Health Care Provider Statement (PDF) - Accommodation Health Care Provider Statement form

Accommodation Request for Disability or Serious Medical Condition (PDF)

Attendance Incentive Request for Payment of Unused Sick Leave (UW Medicine) (MS Word)


Behavioral Interviewing – Clerical/Administrative Support (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Management (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Professional/Technical Clinical (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Professional/Technical Non-Clinical (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Research (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Skilled Trades (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Support Service/Paraprofessional Clinical (MS Word)

Behavioral Interviewing – Support Service/Technical Non-Clinical (MS Word)


Candidate Decision Matrix Example (MS Word)

Career Planning Resource (PDF)

Caregiver Flexibility Planning Tool (MS Word)

Checklist – Separating Harborview Employee (MS Word)

Checklist – Separating UWMC Employee (MS Word)

Classified Staff Career Enhancement Growth Program (CEGP) (MS Word)

Classified Staff Position Review Questionnaire (MS Word)

Classified Staff Salary Recruitment and Retention (R&R) – Med Centers Only (MS Word)

Classified Staff Temporary Salary or Hourly Increase Request (TSI or THI) – Med Centers Only (MS Word)

Contingent Overtime Agreement (PDF)

Corrective Action Plan Instructions and Form (MS Word)

Creating a Temporary Lactation Space Checklist (PDF)

Criminal Conviction and Civil Finding History Self-Disclosure and Authorization – Campus (PDF)


DRS Plan Retiree (MS Word)

Disability Accommodation Health Care Provider Statement (PDF)

Disability Health Care Provider Form – Student (PDF)


Employee Experience Toolkit (PDF)

Employee Work Reference Inquiry Documentation (PDF)

Employee’s position is designated as essential (MS Word)

Employee’s position is not designated as essential (MS Word)

Ending Employment Checklist (campus) (PDF)


FLSA Salary-Basis OT Exemption Change Request (MS Word)

FMLA (campus) Family Member’s Serious Health Condition (PDF)

FMLA (campus) Military Family Qualifying Exigency (PDF)

FMLA (campus) Parental Leave for Birth Parent (PDF)

FMLA (campus) Parental Leave for Parent other than Birth Parent (PDF)

FMLA (campus) Personal Serious Health Condition (PDF)

FMLA (campus) Serious Injury or Illness of Military Family Member (PDF)

FMLA (campus) Serious Injury or Illness of Military Veteran (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Family Member’s Serious Health Condition (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Military Family Qualifying Exigency (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Parental Leave for Parent other than Birth Parent (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Personal Serious Health Condition (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Personal Serious Health Condition – Maternity/Pregnancy (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Serious Injury or Illness of Military Family Member (PDF)

FMLA (med centers) Serous Injury or Illness of Military Veteran (PDF)

FMLA Information Summary (PDF)

Faculty/Staff Tuition Exemption Request (PDF)

Family Care Leave – Certification of Health Care Provider (MS Word)

Fee-based Assignment Request Form (PDF)

Final Counseling Follow-Up Memo (MS Word)

Final Counseling Memo Scheduling Notice (MS Word)

Formal Counseling Memo Scheduling Notice (MS Word)

Formal Counseling Session Follow-Up Memo (MS Word)


GAIP – Notice of Qualifying Event from Graduate Appointee (COBRA) (PDF)

GAIP – Petition for Self-Pay Graduate Appointee Insurance While on Academic Leave (PDF)

GAIP Hall Health Mail Order Program Agreement (PDF)

GAIP Mail Order Patient Registration (PDF)

Guide to Workplace Competencies (PDF)


Harborview Children’s Center Wait Pool Application (PDF)

Health Care Provider Certification Form – Cognitive (PDF)

Health Care Provider Certification Form – Cognitive & Parking (PDF)

Health Care Provider Certification Form – Parking (PDF)

Health Care Provider Certification Form – Physical (PDF)

Health Care Provider Certification Form – Physical & Parking (PDF)

Health Insurance – PEBB – Employee Enrollment Guide – 2024 (PDF)

Hire Confirmation Letter – CNU Intermittent (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter – CNU Nonpermanent (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter – Contract Classified Intermittent (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter – Contract Classified Nonpermanent (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (UAW RSE to UAW RSE staff) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (from academic appt to pro staff) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (from contract classified to pro staff) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (moving from CNU to pro staff) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (new UAW RSE staff) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (new to UW classified non-union) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (new to UW contract classified) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (new to UW pro staff) (MS Word)

Hire Confirmation Letter (pro staff promotion or lateral) (MS Word)

Hiring Process Partnerships and Commitments (PDF)


Interpreter & Real-Time Captioning Services RFQQ (MS Word)


Job Share Plan and Agreement (MS Word)


LTD – PEBB – Submission Form FAQ (PDF)


Medical Students Group Disability Insurance Plan (PDF)

Mentoring Toolkit (PDF)

Military Activation and Return-to-Duty Checklist (PDF)

Military Duty Leave of Absence Request (MS Word)


New Classified Employment Subtypes – Campus (PDF)

New Classified Employment Subtypes – Med Centers (PDF)

New Employee Checklist (PDF)


Official Personnel File Access Request (PDF)

Onboarding Checklist for Managers of Student Employees (PDF)

Onboarding Checklist for Student Employees (PDF)

Onboarding Toolkit (PDF)

Outside Work – Request for Approval – Professional and Classified Staff (PDF)


POD Administrative Excellence Certificate Curriculum Guide (PDF)

POD Annual Schedule (PDF)

POD BIPOC Staff Development Certificate Curriculum Guide (PDF)

POD Class Format Guide (PDF)

POD Consultant Sample Invoice (PDF)

POD Course Registration Form (PDF)

POD Course Registration Form for UW Employees Separated Through Layoff (PDF)

POD HR Administration Certificate Curriculum Guide (PDF)

POD Organizational Strategy (PDF)

POD Spring 2024 Class List (PDF)

POD Summer 2024 Class List (PDF)

POD Supervisory Skills Certificate Curriculum Guide (PDF)

Parent School Authorization (PDF)

Parental Leave Employee Checklist for Birth Parent (PDF)

Parental Leave Employee Checklist for Parent other than Birth Parent (PDF)

Performance Evaluation – Classified Staff (MS Word)

Performance Evaluation – Conversation Approach – Professional Staff (PDF)

Performance Evaluation – Structured Approach – Professional Staff (MS Word)

Performance Review – Professional Staff Feedback (MS Word)

Physician Assistants Group Disability Insurance Plan (PDF)

Planning and Conducting Candidate Interviews (MS Word)

Predetermination meeting memo (MS Word)

Pregnancy Accommodation Request (PDF)

Pregnancy Health Care Provider Statement (PDF)

Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security Agreement (PDF) - For Medical Center Employees Only

Professional Staff Compensation Change Request (MS Word)

Professional Staff Employee Subtypes (PDF)

Professional Staff Leave with Pay Application (PDF)

Professional Staff Position Description (PSPD) (MS Word)

Professional Staff Position Description form guidelines (MS Word)

Professional Staff Position Review Employee Signature (MS Word)

Professional Staff Research Activities Form (MS Word)

Professional Staff Research Scientist-Engineer Questionnaire (MS Word)

Professional Staff Temp Request for Extension – Pay Change (PSTP) – Med Centers Only (PDF)

Professional Staff Temporary Pay Increase or Administrative Supplement (TPI or ADS) – Med Centers Only (MS Word)

Professional Staff Temporary Position (PSTP) – Supplemental Questionnaire (PDF)

Public Student Loan Forgiveness Program Eligibility Notice for New Employees (PDF)


Quick Reference for Mentors (PDF)


Recommendation for Dismissal (MS Word)

Recruitment Incentive Payment – Program Request (Campus) (MS Word)

Recruitment Incentive Payment – Repayment Attestation (Campus) (MS Word)

Reference Check Consent Form

Reference Check Template (MS Word)

Relocation Incentive Payment Approval Request (Campus) (MS Word)

Relocation Incentive Payment Approval Request (MedCtrs) (MS Word)

Represented Civil Service Exempt Staff Position Review Questionnaire (PDF)

Request for Review of Candidate’s Official Personnel Record (PDF)

Resumes the UW Way (PDF) - Tip sheet for resumes at UW.

Retention Incentive Payment Repayment Attestation (PDF)

Retirement – PERS/ TRS/ LEOFF Beneficiary Designation (PDF)

Retirement – UW Retirement Checklist (PDF)


Salaried ASE Time Off Tracking Guide for Departments (PDF)

Search Waiver Request Form for Staff and Academic Personnel (PDF)

Shared Leave – Health Care Provider Certification (MS Word)

Shared Leave – Opportunity to Donate template (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Donation (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Donation – Foster Parent (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Donation – Uniformed Services (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Donation – Veterans (VISSLP) (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Organ Donor – Giving (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Organ Donor – Request to Receive (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Request to Receive – Foster Parent (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Request to Receive – Health Condition (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Request to Receive – Uniformed Services or Emergency Worker (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Uniformed Services – Request to Receive (MS Word)

Shared Leave (med centers) – Request to Receive – Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking (PDF)

Shared Leave(med centers) – Request to Receive – Veterans (VISSLP) (MS Word)

Staff Accrual Calculations (PDF)

Student and Volunteer Background Check Request Tool (PDF)

Succession Planning Toolkit (PDF)

Summary of Benefits at layoff (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Academic Staff, Professional Staff, Contract Covered Exempt, and Librarians (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Classified Nonpermanent and Intermittent and Classified/Civil Service Exempt Staff less than 50 percent FTE (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Classified Staff Greater than Half Time (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Faculty with Appointments of 9 – 12 Mos. (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Faculty with Quarter-to-Quarter or Less than 9-month Appointments (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Graduate Appointees Insurance Program (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Non-US Citizens Working Abroad (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellows (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Postdoctoral Scholars (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Psychology Interns (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for Residents and Fellows (PDF)

Summary of Benefits for UW Police Officers (PDF)


TIAA Financial Coach brochure (PDF)

TIAA Financial Coach welcome letter (PDF)

Telephone Screen Template (MS Word)

Telework Agreement – 100% remote (MS Word)

Telework Agreement – Hybrid or Occasional (MS Word)

Training Action Plan (PDF)

Transferring Employee Checklists (campus) (PDF)


UTemp Job Order Checklist (PDF)

UW Children’s Centers Wait Pool Application (PDF)

UW Retirement Plan Plan Document (PDF)

UWMC Children’s Center at Northwest Wait Pool Application (PDF)

UWRP Fidelity Participant Fee Disclosure – 2024 (PDF)

UWRP Summary (PDF)

UWRP TIAA Participant Fee Disclosure 2024 (PDF)

UWSRP Beneficiary Designation form (PDF)


VIP Fidelity Participant Fee Disclosure – 2024 (PDF)

VIP Summary (PDF)

VIP TIAA Participant Fee Disclosure – 2024 (PDF)

Voluntary Investment Program Plan Document (PDF)


Welcome Day Policies (PDF) - Policies and resources for new employees and Welcome Day.