
Medical Interpreter Caseworker-Cultural Mediate


18089 (NE S SEIU 925 Non Supv)
22499 (NE H NI SEIU 925 Non Supv)


Provide spoken language interpretation for patients, medical providers and staff to include sight translation and consecutive and simultaneous interpretation and case manage patient clients identified by providers and staff as being at medical or social risk. Culturally mediate between individual client and providers and between the medical center and target community.


Independently provide consecutive and simultaneous language interpretation for patient clients and medical, social and educational providers and patient client case management, and symptom reporting to include adjusting treatment plans under physician supervision. Provide cultural mediation in medical and community settings.



Explain the role of interpreter to provider and client;

Provide spoken language and sight interpretation for client and medical, social and educational providers in person or over the telephone;

Culturally consult with medical, social and educational providers before, during or after interpretation encounters;

Identify barriers to complete and accurate information exchange and assist client and provider to overcome those barriers;

Write brief letters to client in target language; provide brief written translation in target language as requested by health care provider and/or supervisor;
Medical and Social Case Management

Assess clients medication compliance and cultural obstacles to compliance; communicate assessment to health care provider;

Observe, communicate about and advocate on behalf of the social, educational and health needs of, assigned patient/client/family;

Teach clients how to navigate medical, health care, social service and educational systems;

Promote optimal use of health, social and educational resources explaining programs and requirements; assist client with completion of forms such as Medicaid, housing and Social Security Insurance forms;

Remind clients of appointments with medical, social services and educational agencies; provide continuity of interpretation for these appointments.

Make home and agency visits as appropriate;

Keep logs and document home visits and client information in the medical case record; meet regularly with the supervisor to review cases;
Cultural Concepts

Assess patient clients medication compliance and cultural obstacles to compliance;

Explain common medical conditions, medications and how to manage chronic diseases and programs, requirements and benefits in comprehensible and routine ways;

Educate health care providers about the linguistic and cultural limitations of biomedical disease models, terms or practices, and the specific belief systems of client; assist in negotiating culturally and medically appropriate treatment plans;

Educate target community about health care and the medical center, social services and education in this country;

Educate the medical center, social service and educational agencies concerning target community beliefs and practices; aid in negotiating culturally sensitive institutional and agency practices and policies;

Collaborate with health care providers, social workers, hospitals and target community organizations;

Work as a team member with other Community House Calls staff;

Perform related duties as required.

High school graduation or equivalent AND one year interpretation experience and one year case work experience in a health or social service setting AND Washington State Department of Social and Health Services certification or qualification


equivalent education/experience.


11/16/2002: New Class
06/01/2005: CSR Class Conversion