Classified Staff Pay Increases Effective July 1, 2016 – HR Administrators and Managers
Last updated: July 12, 2016.
- July 11, 2016
- TO:
- HR Administrators and Managers
- HR Department Staff
- Human Resources Compensation
- July 1, 2016 Classified Staff Pay Increases
This communication provides information about centrally implemented pay increases for contract classified and classified non-union staff effective July 1, 2016. It also contains information to let you and your staff know about classified staff pay changes that need to be input manually.
The amount of the classified staff across-the-board adjustment received is dependent upon payscale placement of the job classification effective 7/1/2016 as follows:
- The greater of approximately 1.8% or 1% + $20 for job classifications on paytable C1.
- Approximately 1.8% for job classifications on paytables C0, C3, C8, CA, CB, CC, CD, CE and CF.
- Approximately 2.0% for job classifications on paytables B0, B4, B6, B7, BA, BB, BH, BI, BK, BL, BM, BN, BP, BV and BX.
- Approximately 3.0% for job classifications on paytables BC, BD, BE, BF, BG, BJ, BQ, BR, BS and BW.
- New paytables B1, B3, B5, B8 and BY also provide for approximately a 3.0% increase for job classifications on these table effective 7/1/2016.
The lists of job titles included with the Compensation Plan Documents show which pay table each job is assigned to as of 7/1/2016.
July 13, 2016 is the last day for OPUS entry changes to appear in the time reporting system for the July 25 paycheck.
Following distribution of this communication, information will be sent to departmental payroll coordinators via the UW Payroll Office payroll coordinators list that will include the compensation plan documents.
The Compensation Plan Documents are:
- Two versions of the list of classified job titles and their pay ranges, etc., one sorted alphabetically by job title and one sorted by job code, and
- A set of 40 payscale tables: 35 that existed before July 1, 2016, and 5 new ones that were created effective July 1, 2016.
Please see the payroll coordinator communications for more details.
In addition to the items provided to payroll coordinators, Human Resources Compensation is providing two reports which list employees whose salaries are not changed centrally. Manual changes may need to be made at the department level for employees on these lists:
PLEASE NOTE: These reports are sorted by major organization name and appointing department name and include data for all major organizations within the University of Washington. Please extract the data for your specific major organization/unit out of these files and provide it to your payroll coordinators as appropriate.
The OFF Step Report includes employees who were “OFF” step as of June 30, 2016. Adjustments for employees on “OFF” step require coordination with your HR Operations unit to determine the increased monthly rate.
Keep in mind that employees who are OFF step and whose rate is above the new top incremental step are not eligible for the across-the-board adjustment if their salary is frozen (i.e., Y-rated or redlined).
The Fixed-Duration Appointment Report includes employees who are currently in fixed-duration appointment job codes 7777, 8600, 8601, or 8888. Employees in these job codes will receive across-the-board increases — the same as the job they are filling in for — effective July 1, 2016.
In addition, please note that the monthly minimum rate for the fixed-duration appointment job codes has been increased to be no less than $2,253 per month (which is equal to $13 per hour). All employees on fixed-duration appointments should be paid at least the new minimum of $2,253 per month. Reminder: Adjustments for employees on both the OFF Step Report and the Fixed-Duration Report are NOT automatic and must be entered manually in the OPUS system.
Temporary Hourly Employees
While there are no across-the-board wage changes for temporary employees, they do need to be paid at least the minimum of the range for their job class.
After the July 25, 2016 payday, HR will notify departments if they have temporary hourly employees whose hourly rate was below the new minimum of the range. Departments will need to adjust the hourly rate for hourly employees whose pay falls below the new range minimum up to at least the new minimum hourly rate, with an effective date of July 1, 2016. Departments should identify and make these changes in time for them to be included in the July 25, 2016 payday.
Questions regarding these items should be directed to Human Resources Compensation by email at