
April 1, 2015 Minimum Wage Increase

Last updated: July 12, 2016.

April 13, 2015
Payroll Coordinators
UW Compensation Office
April 1, 2015 Minimum Wage Increase

Please make note of the following items:

  • The minimum wage increase goes into effect for hours earned beginning 4/1/2015.
  • The increase up to the new minimum will be automatic and implemented centrally a few days after the 3/31/2015 payroll has been calculated.
  • All employees making $11.00 or less will be automatically updated for the pay period ending 4/15/2015.
  • Please note that all students assigned to job codes 0875-Student Assistant and 1836-Student Assistant-Non-UW Student after 4/1/2015 will need to be paid at least the new 4/1/2015 minimum wage rate of $11.00 per hour.
  • Hourly workers in job codes 0886-Reader/Grader, 0887-Tutor, 0868-Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, and 0869-Undergraduate Research Assistant will also be going to the $11.00 per hour rate, as negotiated with UAW, and will be updated centrally.
  • After the payroll calculation for PPE 4/15/2015 there will be a post-audit check to find any employees paid below the new minimums.

Please make sure you read all details included below.

Questions regarding this communication should be directed to the UW Compensation Office at

Thank you,
The Payroll Office

Payscales and Other Details

As indicated in the message below, the minimum wage for students and temporary workers will increase on April 1, 2015, from $10.10 per hour to $11.00 per hour. The Student Employee Pay Schedule will be updated to reflect this change:

Student Employee Pay Schedule (Effective 1/1 – 3/31/15)
1/1/15 Class Title 1/1/15 Class Code 1/1/15 Pay Range
Student Assistant 0875 $10.10 – $21.61
Student Assistant-Non-UW Student 1836 $10.10 – $21.61
Revised Student Employee Pay Schedule (Effective 4/1/15)
4/1/15 Class Title 4/1/15 Class Code 4/1/15 Pay Range
Student Assistant 0875 $11.00 – $21.61
Student Assistant-Non-UW Student 1836 $11.00 – $21.61

Please plan for the budgetary impact of the new pay range.

To assist with the revision or development of a departmental practice for student employee pay and classification, the Student Employee Pay and Classification Schedule is available at:

The April 1, 2015, student employee pay schedule will be implemented as follows:

  1. Pay increases for students paid below $11.00 per hour will be implemented centrally through HEPPS and will be reflected in paychecks beginning April 24, 2015.
  2. All other student wage adjustments will be discretionary and will require online payroll action. Departments may initiate discretionary adjustments within the revised pay range based upon equity, longevity, merit, market conditions, recruitment difficulties, or salary compression with other students receiving minimum wage adjustments.

Questions regarding the University Student Employee Pay Schedule or the April 1, 2015, student pay schedule adjustments may be referred to the Human Resources Compensation Office, at

Please let us know if we can provide any assistance.