
2015 Minimum Wage Increase

Last updated: July 12, 2016.

January 14, 2015
Payroll Coordinators
UW Compensation Office
2015 Minimum Wage Increase

Please make note of the following items:

  • The minimum wage increase goes into effect for hours earned beginning 1/1/2015.
  • The increase up to the new minimum will be automatic and implemented centrally a few days after the 12/31/2014 payroll has been calculated.
  • All employees making $10.09 or less will be automatically updated for the 1/15/2015 pay period.
  • See Item #3 in the communication below regarding potential action needed due to a change to the minimum rate for job class 0872, Student Assistant Exception (also known as Student Assistant VI) to $21.62 per hour effective 1/1/2015.
  • Please note that all students assigned to job code 0875 Student Assistant after 1/1/2015 will need to be paid at least the new 1/1/2015 minimum wage rate of $10.10 per hour.
  • After the payroll calculation for PPE 1/15/2015 there will be a post-audit check to find any employees paid below the new minimums.

Please make sure you read all content below for current information.

Questions regarding this communication should be directed to the UW Compensation Office at

Thank you,
The Payroll Office

The Content Below Was Provided to Administrators in December 2014

As indicated in the message below, the minimum wage for students and temporary workers will increase on January 1, 2015 from $9.32 per hour to $10.10 per hour. The Student Employee Pay Schedule will be updated to reflect this change:

1/1/14 Class Title 1/1/14 Class Code 1/1/14 Pay Range
Student Assistant 0875 $9.32 – $19.94
Revised Student Employee Pay Schedule (Effective 1/1/15)
1/1/15 Class Title 1/1/15 Class Code 1/1/15 Pay Range
Student Assistant 0875 $10.10 – $21.61

Please plan for the budgetary impact of the new pay range. No central funding is being set aside for either the automatic or discretionary adjustments. To assist with the revision or development of a departmental practice for student employee pay and classification, the Student Employee Pay and Classification Schedule is available at:

The January 1, 2015, student employee pay schedule will be implemented as follows:

  1. Pay increases for students paid below $10.10 per hour will be implemented centrally through HEPPS and will be reflected in paychecks beginning January 26, 2015.
  2. All other student wage adjustments will be discretionary and will require online payroll action. Departments may initiate discretionary adjustments within the revised pay range based upon equity, longevity, merit, market conditions, recruitment difficulties, or salary compression with other students receiving minimum wage adjustments.
  3. The new minimum rate for job code 0872 – Student Assistant VI (also known as Student Assistant Exception) will be changed to $21.62 per hour. If a department has students assigned to job code 0872 (Student Assistant VI) on January 1, 2015 with a pay rate less than or equal to $21.61 per hour, their job code should be changed to 0875 (Student Assistant).

Questions regarding the University Student Employee Pay Schedule or the January 1, 2015, student pay schedule adjustments may be referred to the Human Resources Compensation Office, at

Please let us know if we can provide any assistance.

The Content Below Was Provided to Administrators in October 2014

Effective January 1, 2015 the Washington state minimum wage will increase by fifteen cents ($.15) to $9.47 per hour. As you probably know, the minimum wage for federal contractors is also changing on January 1, 2015, increasing to $10.10 per hour. As a recipient of federal funds, it is vitally important for the UW to be in compliance with the new federal contractor minimum.

The University has determined that effective January 1, 2015 it will adopt the new federal contractor’s minimum wage of $10.10 for student employees and temporary workers. The new federal contractor’s minimum adds sixty-three cents ($.63/hour) to the January 1, 2015 state minimum wage of $9.47.

Adopting the $10.10 minimum will keep the University in compliance with the minimum wage for federal contractors. This change will also help position the University to remain the employer of choice for UW students as the City of Seattle begins phasing in its $15.00/hour minimum wage. On April 1, 2015 the Seattle minimum wage for large employers will become $11.00/hour. At this time, the University is waiting for additional information as to whether or not the City of Seattle ordinance applies to state employers within the city limits.

You will receive additional information regarding the new salary ranges for Student Assistant (code 0875) and Student Assistant VI by the end of November.