
Before- and after-school care

Last updated: August 28, 2023


Sittercity connects you with care providers that offer occasional babysitting, nannying, special needs care and tutoring (and pet sitting, elder care and housecleaning, too!). As a PEBB-eligible UW employee or student, you receive a free Sittercity premium membership, allowing you to run an unlimited number of basic background checks on prospective caregivers and view results of those you previously completed.

To access Sittercity tools and resources, visit the Bright Horizons UW website or head directly over to the Sittercity site and enter your employer.

KinderCare Champions

KinderCare offers a 10% tuition discount on its KinderCare Champions program for before and after-school programs for school-age children in the Central Kitsap, Federal Way, Impact Public Schools, Kent, Northshore, South Kitsap and Tacoma school districts. Visit KinderCare or call 888-525-2780 to receive information on tuition rates and potential wait pool. You will need to present your most recent Workday payslip or confirmation of current course enrollment as proof of eligibility.

Right at School through Bright Horizons

Right at School through Bright Horizons offers before- and after-school programs on-site at elementary and middle schools across the country. Students participate in daily Right at School programs in the same school they attend for daytime instruction without the need for transportation to an off-site location. PEBB-eligible UW employees and students receive a discount at Right at School.

To access this benefit, visit the Bright Horizons UW website and click on “Find Before- and After- School Care.” From here, you can search for your school from among the districts served in the Puget Sound region. When registering your child, you will need to create a Right at School account that is separate from your Bright Horizons login or UW NetID.

Nanny placement

Through Bright Horizons, PEBB-eligible UW employees and students can access discounted, local nanny services through Jovie Nanny Placement. Current discounts include $300 off nanny placement fees and a 10% hourly rate discount on services used. To connect with Jovie, visit Bright Horizons UW website and click “use it” under the “Get Discounted Nanny Placement” card.