Total Talent Management

Activity disposition codes

Last updated: September 28, 2023

About dispositioning

Accurate dispositioning, the action of indicating where in the process an individual is considered, rejected, and by whom is a requirement of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). The OFCCP looks for disparate impact on protected classes in the recruitment and selection process, applicant and employee data and compensation. As a federal contractor, the University must comply with OFCCP regulations by accurately documenting and recording the search process.

Dispositioning should be an ongoing activity during the recruitment process, not simply done at the end. Recording activities in UWHIRES as you go during the review, evaluation, and hire of applicants results in:

  • Greater accuracy in dispositioning of applicants
  • Less likelihood to have applicants without disposition codes
  • The documentation being able to tell the story (e.g., how the applicant was hired, why an applicant was not hired, etc.).
Final disposition codes

Every applicant on a filled UWHIRES requisition must have a final disposition code. A final disposition code is the indicator of the final status for each applicant to a particular requisition. This code captures both the stage and reason for the final status, and is used for reporting to the OFCCP.

Reviewed by HR – Considered Not Selected – Not in Top Group
Interview Virtual – Considered Not Selected – Unfavorable Interview

Applicant flow codes

To document other activities that occur in an applicant’s flow through the recruitment and hiring process, applicant flow codes are required to indicate when an applicant has moved forward in the hiring process.


Interview Stage: If an applicant was interviewed, this must be indicated by using at least one of three interview codes (e.g., Phone Screen, Virtual, or In-Person).
Reference Check Stage: If an applicant’s references were checked, this should be documented.

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Reference sheets to download

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Review of resumes

After HR screens resumes, qualified and eligible candidates are forwarded to the hiring manager for review. During the review, hiring managers look for candidates that are the best fit for the open position. Screening may involve indicating that a candidate was “Reviewed” and was placed in a group to be evaluated in batches, such as high/medium/low. Candidates not selected for consideration must be given a final disposition code.

Codes to Use for Screening
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Reviewed by HM – A Reviewed by HM “Resume sent to HM” These three optional codes are available to hiring managers to review and sort applicants in a manner than fits their business process, e.g., high/medium/low, yes/maybe/no.
Reviewed by HM – B Reviewed by HM “Resume sent to HM”
Reviewed by HM – C Reviewed by HM “Resume sent to HM”
Final Disposition Code
Use when candidates fall out of consideration during the review of resumes
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Incomplete Application (HR ONLY) Not Selected Not Selected Indicates that an applicant did not move on in the hiring process due to submitting an incomplete application (e.g., missing cover letter, missing or incomplete assessment, search firm consideration, did not complete required vendor testing, etc.).
Reviewed by HM – Considered
Not Selected – Not Qualified
Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate who was reviewed by the HM, and based on specialized dept. knowledge (that HR might not have) was determined to not meet required posted qualifications for the position.
Reviewed by HM – Considered
Not Selected – Not Top Group
Not Selected Not Selected Indicates that a candidate’s resume was reviewed by the hiring manager, but that the qualifications expressed did not place the applicant in the top group of candidates. Generally those reviewed by HM (or other hiring official(s) in the dept.) who did not move to the next stage but did not fall out due to “No Show/No Response”.
Reviewed by HM – Considered
Not Selected – No Show/No Response
Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates when a candidate failed to respond to a HM’s attempt to contact them. For example, this may occur when a hiring manager attempts to schedule a phone screen or interview, but does not receive a response.
Reviewed by HM – Considered
Not Selected – Not Reviewed
Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate was sent to the HM but not reviewed/selected. Circumstances where this code might be used include when a batch of resumes are sent over, but a hire was made from a previous batch.

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After screening resumes, candidates are interviewed for the position. This may be one or more interviews. All requisitions where a hire is made must have at least one candidate (the one hired) in at least one of the codes listed below.

Applicant Flow Codes
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Interview – Virtual/Phone Changes stage to “Interview” “Resume Sent to HM” Indicates when a candidate has been interviewed or is scheduled to be interviewed using technology like Skype, web conferencing, phone, etc.
Interview – In Person Changes stage to “Interview” “Resume Sent to HM” Indicates when a candidate has been interviewed in person or is scheduled to be interviewed in person. Could indicate the first, or any subsequent, interview being conducted, as long as these occur in-person.
Final Disposition Codes
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Phone Screen – Considered Not Selected – Unfavorable Interview Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate completed a phone screen but did not meet expectations e.g. unprepared, responses didn’t indicate understanding of the requirements of the position.
Phone Screen – Considered Not Selected – Not Top Group Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate completed a phone screen but was not placed in the top group for further consideration.
Phone Screen – Considered Not Selected – No Show/No Response Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a candidate failed to be available for a scheduled Phone Screen.
Interview Virtual – Considered Not Selected – Not Top Group Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate completed a virtual interview but was not placed in the top group for further consideration. These are not the most competitive candidates.
Interview Virtual – Considered Not Selected – No Show/No Response Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a candidate failed to be available or missed for a scheduled virtual interview.
Interview Virtual – Considered Not Selected – Unfavorable Interview Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate completed a virtual interview but did not meet expectations, e.g. unprepared, arrived late, responses didn’t indicate understanding of requirements of the position.
Interview In Person – Considered Not Selected – Unfavorable Interview Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate completed an in person interview but did not meet expectations, e.g. unprepared, arrived late, responses didn’t indicate understanding of requirements of the position.
Interview In Person – Considered Not Selected – Not Top Group Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a candidate completed an in person interview but was not placed in the top group for further consideration.
Interview In Person – Considered Not Selected – No Show/No Response Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a candidate failed to appear for a scheduled in person interview.

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Reference check and offer stages

Once the final candidate(s) is selected references should be checked and the activity recorded. This may occur prior to, during, or after the offer approval stage.

Applicant Flow Codes
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Reference Check “References” “Resume Sent to HM” Indicates when a reference check has been scheduled or conducted.
Request Approval for Offer “Offer” “Resume Sent to HM” Is the trigger for the HM to request approval from others in their dept. and the employment representative as to who they want to hire and at what salary.
Final Disposition Codes
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Reference Check – Considered Not Selected – Not Top Group Not Selected Not Selected Indicates a HM completed a reference check but the applicant is not being offered the position because another applicant had better references.
Offer Declined – Found job elsewhere Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a job offer has been extended, but the candidate declines as they found a job elsewhere.
Offer Declined – Lack of Flexwork/Telework Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a job offer has been extended, but the candidate declines related to a flexwork or telework request.
Offer Declined – Salary Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a job offer has been extended, but the candidate declines for reasons related to salary.
Offer Declined – Shift/Hours Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Indicates a job offer has been extended, but the candidate declines because they were not willing to work required hours/shift/days.
Offer Rescinded Not Selected Not Selected Is used when a job offer has been rescinded. In these circumstances, the hiring department and/or HR obtains information that requires rescinding offer, such as results of a criminal history check or no show to a drug screen. This is often accompanied by the entry of a note.

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Department Hire (pre-Hire)  stage

Once the offer has been accepted and a start date established, the Department Hire (pre-Hire) activity is entered.

Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Department Hire (pre-hire) “Resume sent to HM” Candidate accepts offer

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Hire stage

Once the candidate has completed the pre-hire activities (Candidate Hire Portal, Criminal History Background Check where applicable), HR enters the Hired/Accepted activity.

Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Hired / Accepted Hired/Accepted Hired/Accepted Candidate accepts offer and is hired into position.
Hired – No Show Not Selected Not Selected Indicates that a hire failed to show up for work.

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Other codes

The following codes are also available for use during recruitment. They are optional (except Candidate Withdrew) and may assist a department in managing the applicant flow.

Final Disposition Code
Activity Stage Seen by HM Stage Seen by Candidate Description
Candidate Withdrew – Found job elsewhere Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Applicant withdraws prior to offer because they found a job elsewhere.
Candidate Withdrew – Lack of Flexwork/Telwork Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Applicant withdraws prior to offer related to a flexwork or telework request.
Candidate Withdrew – Salary Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Applicant withdraws prior to offer for reasons related to salary.
Candidate Withdrew – Shift/Hours Candidate Withdrew Candidate Withdrew Applicant withdraws prior to offer because they were not willing to work required hours/shift/days.
Optional Codes Available to Hiring Managers
Call Candidate Indicates when an applicant was called for reasons other than a phone screen, e.g., schedule an interview, ask for clarification regarding experience, etc.

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