Background checks: FAQ
Is a criminal background check required for a UW employee who has not previously had a criminal background check?
No. The criminal background check requirement only applies to individuals hired on or after July 1, 2007.
How long does it take to conduct a criminal background check?
Most background checks can be completed within two to three business days after the selected candidate provides the required information to the University’s contractor.
If a candidate is found ineligible for employment based on the results of the background check, who may the department contact for further information?
You may contact the Human Resources employment manager/supervisor that serves your department.
Employment and appointment
For candidates who are subject to a criminal background check, how soon can they begin work?
The candidate can start work as soon as your HR recruitment team member notifies you of a satisfactory background check result and the hire is initiated in Workday.
If a thumbprint is required to complete a criminal background check, can a department employ the selected candidate before the result is available?
This depends on the department’s hiring practices and the nature of the crime(s) reported in the preliminary results. If the department allows a candidate to begin work, the department must provide the candidate with written notice that continued employment is contingent on a satisfactory criminal background check result. Discuss the anticipated time frame for completing the check with your HR recruitment team member.
Costs and charges
How will I know which candidate(s) background check charges apply to?
When the HR recruitment team member runs the background check, the ProCard on file for the requesting department is charged. Documentation will include the date, charge, requisition number, and name of the candidate for whom the check was run. For ProCard reconciliation, the object/subject code for background checks is 03-69.
What if a department feels that it can’t afford the cost of conducting criminal background checks?
Hiring officials are encouraged to consult with their supervisors or administrators about funding. Background checks must be conducted for staff hires, and the employing unit is responsible for the cost of the background check.
If the final candidate rescinds their acceptance of the job offer after a criminal background check is conducted, will the background check fee be refunded?