Professional & Organizational Development

Mentoring tools and resources

These resources are geared towards UW employees seeking a mentor or hoping to strengthen an existing mentoring relationship. If you’re acting as a mentor or hoping to become one, please see our Quick Reference for Mentors at UW.

Mentoring is a unique relationship that focuses on your needs and takes you out of your day-to-day activities to plan for your future, strategize how to achieve your goals, and overcome obstacles. Partnering with a mentor allows you to benefit from the wisdom and experience of a more experienced or established individual.

If you’re ready to find a mentor or formalize an existing relationship, download the Mentoring Toolkit (PDF) to learn about establishing and maintaining a successful partnership. If you’re not quite sure about mentoring, see below to explore the concept of mentoring and whether it might be a good fit for you.

Curious to learn more? Watch a panel of UW leaders discuss mentoring and their career paths:

Mentoring involves Mentoring is NOT
A more experienced, often senior colleague who helps guide you in your career. Training or supervision.
Staff, faculty, and leaders at all levels. Individuals in almost any role can benefit from partnership with a more experienced individual in their chosen field. Only for staff or people in certain types of positions.
Gaining new insights and being open to different perspectives. Idle chitchat or socializing.
Taking responsibility for forming and managing a serious professional relationship. A chance to ask for inappropriate favors or “insider” information from someone in a more powerful position.
Learning from the experience and wisdom of an individual you respect. A means to have someone else do your work or solve your problems for you.


Use the decision tree below to help you determine if mentoring is a good option for you at this time.

Mentoring toolkit

Are you ready to be mentored? Download the Mentoring Toolkit (PDF) for tips, checklists, and worksheets to guide you through every step of the process, from self-discovery to mentor selection and ensuring success in your mentoring relationship.

Mentoring panel

On April 18, 2017, a panel of distinguished UW leaders moderated by Vice President of Human Resources Mindy Kornberg discussed mentoring and their career paths. Watch the 90-minute video.

POD classes

The following classes can help with your career and professional growth:

These classes build interpersonal skills that can, in turn, help you develop a successful relationship with your mentor:

For students

The Husky Leadership Initiative has fantastic resources for students who are interested in mentoring.