Professional & Organizational Development


Competencies are skills or behaviors that are essential for success in specific roles. Professional & Organizational Development has identified the following competencies for UW staff and leaders. Competencies are mapped to POD offerings in the Guide to Workplace Competencies (PDF) and are clustered in five areas of excellence: individual, interpersonal, operational, leadership, and organizational.

  • Accountability and integrity
  • Building effective teams
  • Change and resilience
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Conflict management
  • Customer focus
  • Developing employees
  • Hiring and staffing
  • Information and technology
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Interpersonal savvy
  • Managing and measuring work
  • Organizational acumen
  • Planning and prioritization
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Process and project management
  • Race, equity, and difference
  • Self-awareness
  • Speaking and presenting
  • Strategic ability
  • UW policies and systems
  • Written communications

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Make sure to save POD’s Guide to Workplace Competencies (PDF)  so you can easily identify courses, services, and resources that relate to competencies you wish to develop.

Competency spotlight: Collaboration & Teamwork

Seek commonalities, honor differences, and enhance the power of your team.

Those who are skilled in this competency are adept at establishing common ground, understand the importance of acknowledging others’ contributions and skills, and are able to collaborate well with others despite any differences.

The following upcoming classes may help you develop your competence in relation to collaboration and teamwork:

In addition, some aspects of the following classes may also support collaboration and teamwork: