UAW RSE – UW Negotiations Recap for March 29 and March 31
This recap details the twenty first and twenty second virtual sessions between the University of Washington (UW) and United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4121 for the first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for Research Scientist Engineers (RSEs). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
Employer Counter Proposals
Equity Survey
The Employer proposed to add new language in a side letter stating that for the next two academic years the RSE A-4’s would be included in the distribution of the ASE and Postdoctoral Scholar Equity Survey.
Hours of work
In response to the Union the Employer changed one small sentence and is aligned on the proposed language.
Layoff, Seniority, and Rehire
In response to the Union the Employer changed one small sentence and is aligned on the proposed language.
Performance Evaluations
In response to the Union the Employer changed the proposed language to add that upon request, an employee would be provided with training/development recommendations or action plans to assist in their professional development goals.
PI Eligibility
In response to the Union the Employer lowered the timeline to nine months from 10 months that each department, school, or college would have to create a written policy which would provide a pathway by which employees are able to achieve principal investigator status.
Classification And Reclassification
In response to the Union the Employer changed the proposed language to add that should the Employer decide to create, eliminate, or modify class specifications which does not involve a major restructure to the overall classification system, the Union would be able to bargain over the salary and impacts of the Employer’s decision.
Position Review Appeal Process
The Employer proposed to break out the proposed language around the position review appeal process from the Classification Reclassification article and create a MOU with an end date.
Professional Development
In response to the Union the Employer added proposed language stating employees attending events paid for by supervisor approved professional development funds would not be required to take personal time off to attend during work days.
Time Off and Leave
In response to the Union the Employer added proposed language stating employees are encouraged to consult with their Leave Specialist, Unit HR Manager, or HR Consultant regarding shared leave and other time off options in instances where balances are low.
Visa Sponsorship
The Employer proposed to add new language in a side letter stating the University’s visa sponsorship policy.
Union Counter Proposals
Classification And Reclassification
In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed new language stating when determining whether reclassification is appropriate, the employer shall evaluate these changes using processes and documents that identify core competencies, including but not limited to RSE Career Path Guidelines and Class Specifications.
Position Review Appeal Process
In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but rejected the Employer’s proposed language stating the Hearing Officer’s decision would be final and binding.
In response to the Employer the Union reasserted much of their previous proposal making small housekeeping edits.
Hours of work
In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but maintained their proposal regarding permanent FTE reductions and increases.
Layoff, Seniority, and Rehire
In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed language stating the Employer would give the employee’s and the Union 45 days notice of a layoff.
Non Discrimination and Harassment
The Union maintained a proposal to include language listing examples of inappropriate conduct related to creating a respectful work environment.
PI Eligibility
In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed language stating requests to be considered for PI eligibility must be submitted at least thirty days in advance of any proposal submission. The Union is matching the proposed nine months that each department, school, or college would have to create a written policy which would provide a pathway by which employees are able to achieve principal investigator status.
Professional Development
In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers counter proposal but maintained proposed language stating the Employer would list the policy from each department regarding professional development funds on a central website. The Union also rejected the Employer’s proposal that the denial of professional development funds and/or paid time off are not subject to the grievance procedure.
Next Steps
The next UAW and UW bargaining session is scheduled for April 5 and will be held virtually.