Labor Relations

WFSE Police Mgmt. negotiation updates

The Washington Federation of State Employees Local 1488 (WFSE) represents sergeants and lieutenants at the UW Police Department. Negotiation updates for 2025-2027 will be posted here.

Banks Evans
Assistant Vice President, Labor Relations
Randy West
Director, UWHR Compensation
Katie Spengler
Manager, Campus Compensation
Craig Wilson
Chief of Police, UW Police Department
Victoria Law
HR Manager, UW Police Department
Ashlee Hooten
Lead Negotiator, Labor Relations
Catherine Scheid
Specialist, Labor Relations
Kevin Grossman
Deputy Chief of Police, UW Police Department
Becky Seliga
Human Resources Consultant, Campus HR Operations & Services

July 25, 2024 Agreement Reached with WFSE-Police Management on 2025 – 2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement

UW has reached agreement with WFSE Police Management on a collective bargaining agreement for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium. Members of WFSE Police Management have voted in favor of ratifying their […]

June 18, 2024 UW & WFSE Police Management Tentative Agreement Reached

UW has reached a tentative agreement with WFSE-PM on a successor collective bargaining agreement for 2025-2027. Members of WFSE-PM will soon vote on ratification. Copies of the tentative agreements have […]

June 4, 2024 WFSE-PM Negotiations Recap for May 29, 2024

Background This recap details the second bargaining session for the 2025-2027 collective bargaining agreement between the UW and WFSE-PM. The session was held online on May 29, 2024. Recaps are […]

May 14, 2024 WFSE-PM Negotiations Recap for May 3, 2024

Background This recap details the first session bargaining for the 2025-2027 collective bargaining agreement between the UW and WFSE-PM. The session was held online on May 3, 2024. Recaps are […]