Labor Relations

UW – SEIU 1199NW Research/Hall Health Bargaining Unit Negotiations Recap for September 7, 2018


This recap details the fourth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and the SEIU 1199NW Research/Hall Health Bargaining Unit, set to expire on June 30, 2019. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties signed tentative agreements to close the following provisions:

  • Preamble
    • Housekeeping edits
  • Article 21 – Seniority, Layoff, Rehire
    • Updated layoff unit list; added language stating nothing in the article restricts the Employer’s ability to rename, reorganize, and/or consolidate departments or divisions and the Union would have the opportunity to bargain any impacts
  • Article 32 – Complete Agreement
    • Eliminated article
  • Article 40 – Leave Due to Family Care Emergencies
    • Modified the article from child care to family care in accordance with the relevant laws
  • Article 41 – Civil/Jury Duty Leave and Bereavement Leave
    • Added holiday credit and personal holiday as allowable leave types for bereavement leave beyond three days
  • MOU: Hall Health Hour Changes
    • Eliminated outdated MOU
  • MOU: ARNP Wages
    • Eliminated outdated MOU

The parties signed tentative agreements to maintain current contract language and close the following provisions:

  • Article 1 – Purpose
  • Article 3 – Affirmative Action
  • Article 4 – Recognition/Employer
  • Article 10 – Tuition Exemption Program
  • Article 17 – Employee Facilities
  • Article 19 – Reclassification
  • Article 20 – Corrective Action/Dismissal Process and/or Resignation
  • Article 22 – Job Posting & Transfer
  • Article 23 – Worker’s Compensation Leave
  • Article 24 – Management Rights and Responsibilities
  • Article 25 – Performance of Duty
  • Article 29 – New Employee Orientation
  • Article 30 – Health and Safety
  • Article 31 – Subordination of Agreement and Saving Clause
  • Article 39 – Unpaid Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience

Union Proposals

Break Relief – SEIU 1199 maintained its proposal to have a dedicated staff member at Hall Health to provide uninterrupted breaks and lunches.

Salary Overpayment Recovery – SEIU 1199 proposed new language stating that the parties have the ability to agree to a different overpayment amount than the original notice, and/or an alternate method for deduction from wages.

Employer Proposals

Hours of Work – UW maintained its proposal to eliminate language stating that future work schedules would be mutually agreed upon, in favor of new language stating other work schedules would only be implemented in accordance with the contract provision regarding mandatory subjects.

Overtime – UW maintained its proposal to redefine overtime as only time worked beyond forty hours in one seven-day period.

Work Schedules – UW proposed new language stating volunteers would be sought prior to changing an employee’s schedule.

Union Delegates – UW proposed new language stating that Union delegates would conduct representational duties only within their area of employment, and that the number of stewards in a particular area would be an appropriate subject of discussion between the parties.

Grievance Procedure – In response to the Union’s proposal, UW proposed that failure to include the listed grievance contents would not be a reason to invalidate a grievance.  The Employer modified its proposal regarding the amount of time the University has to respond to a Step 2 grievance from thirty days to twenty (currently ten).

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 1199 bargaining session is scheduled for September 12, and the next UW-Coalition bargaining session is scheduled for September 13.