Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for December 3, 2015

This recap summarizes the fourth session between the UW and SEIU 925 to incorporate UWMC physical therapists into the SEIU 925-UW collective bargaining agreement.

SEIU 925 Proposals

Pay Range Placements – SEIU 925 maintained its proposed pay table placements for physical therapists:

  • Physical Therapist 1: BG 94.
  • Physical Therapist 2: BH 5.
  • Physical Therapist 3: BH 9.
  • Physical Therapist Specialist: BH 16.

Certification Premium – SEIU 925 proposed an hourly pay premium of $1.50 for physical therapists with qualifying certifications.

Weekend Differential – SEIU 925 proposed to increase the weekend pay differential to $2.50 per hour.

Preceptor Differential – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal to introduce a preceptor pay differential of $2 per hour. UW pointed out that at least in the case of the Physical Therapist 3, precepting is an expected component of the job.

Float Pool Differential – SEIU 925 accepted UW’s proposed premium of $1.50 per hour for all permanent physical therapists assigned to the PT Float Pool.

Movement to Physical Therapist 3 – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for employees to be automatically moved to the Physical Therapist 3 job class after working for one year in the Physical Therapist 2 job class.

Movement to Physical Therapist 2 – SEIU 925 proposed memorializing that movement from Physical Therapist 1 to the Physical Therapist 2 job class be based on obtaining licensure.

Per Diem – SEIU 925 proposed that per diem staff be placed on the new pay table at the same pay step they occupied on the old pay table, and that they receive any across the board wage increases granted by the collective bargaining agreement.

Educational Leave – SEIU 925 proposed three days of paid educational leave per year.

Education Funds – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for $1,500 in education support funds per year, per full-time equivalent (FTE). The union maintained its proposal for employees who attend training on a day off to either be paid for that day or receive a paid day off at a later date.

Staffing Discussion

The parties discussed staffing matters and some of SEIU 925’s ideas to mitigate the impacts of weekend staffing. UW expressed openness to examining different models with the union for the parties to achieve necessary weekend staffing. UW brainstormed ideas such as soliciting volunteers once schedules are made and specific gaps are identified, utilizing per diem staff to provide short-term alleviation, and attempting again to post regular weekend positions (the latter was previously attempted without success).

UW reinforced that regardless of the model, some weekend work will continue to be necessary given patient and operational needs. UW also reinforced that staffing levels would be responsive to patient need as the primary consideration.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for December 18.