Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for September 18, 2014

This recap details the seventh session for the renewal of the master collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 925 for the 2015-17 contract term.

UW Proposals

General Wage Increase – UW proposed general wage increases of 3 percent effective July 1, 2015, and 1.8 percent effective July 1, 2016.

Minimum Pay Step Adjustment – UW maintained its proposal for any regular, non-hourly employee whose salary is less than $12 per hour to be placed on a pay step that is at least $12 per hour.

Step Structure – UW proposed to maintain the existing pay table structure as it is currently configured.

Market Wage Adjustments – UW maintained its proposal for several job titles to receive pay range adjustments up to 80 percent of the market median.

Parking on Snow Days – UW proposed that UW parking be available at each campus for which suspended operations have been declared for any staff member designated as essential by their supervisor.

HR/Payroll Modernization Bargaining – UW proposed a memorandum of understanding affirming the parties’ commitment to bargain impacts associated with the UW’s implementation of a new HR/payroll system. Such bargaining would begin in October of 2014, with the goal of concluding by December of 2014.

Medical Assistant Wages – UW proposed moving medical assistants to a healthcare pay table on a range that would result in a pay increase and that would be competitive with the peer labor market, effective January 1, 2015.

Requests for Ergonomics Assessment – UW proposed that the parties form a joint committee, to include representatives from Environmental Health and Safety, to create a process improvement recommendation within 120 days of ratification.

SEIU 925 Proposals

Market Wage Adjustments – SEIU 925 proposed that several job titles receive pay range adjustments up to 81.5 percent of the market median, effective July 1, 2015.

Preceptor – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal to include respiratory therapists and cardiac technologists in eligibility for preceptor pay, but adjusted its proposed premium rate to $1 per hour.

Differentials – SEIU 925 proposed that campus security officers and sergeants be eligible for evening and night shift differentials, as well as standby and weekend pay.

Parking on Snow Days – SEIU 925 proposed that UW parking be provided for employees designated as essential by their supervisor at each campus for which suspended operations have been declared.

Tentative Agreements

Medical Assistant Wages – The parties tentatively agreed to UW’s proposed adjustments to wages for medical assistants.

Requests for Ergonomics Assessment – The parties tentatively agreed to UW’s proposed formation of a joint committee to create a process improvement recommendation within 120 days of ratification.

Next Steps

The next UW/SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for September 22.