Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for May 8, 2014

This recap details the third bargaining session between the UW and SEIU 925 for a UWMCC collective bargaining agreement.

UW Proposals

UW proposed a memorandum of understanding addressing several provisions specific to UWMCC. Key points included:

Wage Increases – UW maintained its proposed 2 percent wage increase on July 1, 2014 for SEIU 925-represented UWMCC employees.

Pay Table Conversion – UW reiterated its proposal to place bargaining unit employees on SEIU 925 wage tables at appropriate steps that would not reduce their wages.

Overtime after Shift – UW proposed enabling UWMCC employees working beyond their scheduled eight-hour shift to choose either to receive overtime pay for that day, or to flex that time elsewhere in the workweek, though employees taking calls after their shift’s end-time could face corrective action.

Banded Schedules – UW proposed allowing for UWMCC management to schedule employees on a “banded” schedule with variable start times, provided that employees are notified of days off at least four weeks in advance and of start times at least two weeks in advance.

Joint Labor-management Committee – UW proposed that the parties convene a monthly committee to work for equitable work rules and to monitor performance metrics and any related corrective action.

Metrics and Discipline – UW proposed that if a performance standard is not met by at least 75 percent of UWMCC employees over a rolling three-month period, management and the union would discuss ways to improve the standard and/or performance at the next joint labor-management meeting.

Layoff – UW proposed that SEIU 925-represented UWMCC employees comprise their own layoff unit.

SEIU 925 Counter-Proposals

Compensation – SEIU 925 proposed that UWMCC employees be made eligible for any wage increases, premiums, and differentials negotiated in the 2013-2015 Master Agreement between UW and SEIU 925. SEIU 925 reiterated its proposal for any pay increases to be applied retroactively to the UWMCC bargaining unit certification dates.

Metrics and Discipline – SEIU 925 proposed that if the parties must review a performance standard because 75 percent of employees are unable to meet it, corrective action based on that standard be suspended until a clear and fair resolution is reached. The parties discussed the possibility that standards not met by at least 75 percent of employees would not trigger automatic corrective action for the same time period for employees who fail to meet them.

Overtime Pay – SEIU 925 proposed that overtime-exempt UWMCC employees be paid at an overtime rate of one and one-half times their standard rate of pay for time worked in excess of 44 hours per week.

Layoff Unit – SEIU 925 proposed that UWMCC employees be added to layoff unit #74 for Harborview Medical Center Clinical Support Services in the existing contract.

Compensation Discussion

UW clarified that the University is legally prohibited from providing retroactive wage increases on an initial contract like that of SEIU 925-represented employees at UWMCC. The union responded that it would pursue other avenues to receive additional payment.

Referral Team Discussion

SEIU 925 reiterated its argument that the work of Referral Team employees warrants higher pay than that of standard Contact Center Representatives, demonstrating how their time is allocated across varying responsibilities.

UW maintained that while the work may be different, the complexity of the job content as well as recruitment/retention issues are critical considerations to justify a difference in pay. The UW Compensation Office committed to conduct thorough desk audits of relevant SEIU 925-represented UWMCC employees to analyze these factors.

Tentative Agreements

Overtime after Shift – The parties tentatively agreed to enable UWMCC employees working beyond their scheduled shift to receive overtime rates of pay for the time worked beyond the regular scheduled shift. The overtime pay does not apply to part-time employees scheduled to work fewer than eight hours in a day. UWMCC management and SEIU 925 will work to communicate the expectation to employees that overtime must be approved in advance before implementation.

Banded Schedules – The parties tentatively agreed to allow for UWMCC management to schedule employees on a “banded” schedule with variable start times, provided that employees are notified of days off at least four weeks in advance and of start times at least two weeks in advance.

Union Stewards – The parties tentatively agreed that SEIU 925 will designate up to three UWMCC union stewards.

Next Steps

The next UW/SEIU 925 bargaining session is currently being determined by the parties.