Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for July 29, 2013

This recap details the 24th bargaining session between the UW and AFT.

UW Counter-Proposals

Union Rights
UW declined AFT’s proposal to omit language outlining the process by which an employee could request leaves of absence to participate in union-related activities.
Management Rights
UW accepted AFT’s proposed language surrounding the extent of management’s decision-making authority related to maintaining program standards. UW maintained its proposal to include defining criteria for performance expectations as a management right.
Personnel Files
UW proposed language to further clarify scenarios in which archived materials from an extension lecturer’s personnel file may be used in any legal action.
Leaves of Absence
UW declined AFT’s proposal to grant extension lecturers one additional paid personal day off per quarter.
Professional Development
UW proposed clarifications to the wording of its previous proposal. The parties discussed the possibility of listing a minimum allocation of professional development funds per lecturer, to accompany UW’s proposal for no set maximum.

Tentative Agreement

Article 22: Complete Agreement and Conformity to Law
The parties tentatively agreed to language memorializing their commitment to a contract that complies with the law. The parties tentatively agreed to omit any reference to the IELP Operations Manual.

Next Steps

The next UW-AFT bargaining session is scheduled for August 13.