Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for July 1, 2013

This recap details the 21st bargaining session between the UW and AFT.

UW Counter-Proposal

Management Rights
UW proposed memorializing management’s right to make final decisions involving academic matters in order to ensure that courses are taught in a way that retains curriculum integrity and program standards.

AFT Counter-Proposal

Professional Development
AFT proposed allowing for extension lecturers to receive tuition waivers, with management approval, for courses taken within UW Educational Outreach.

Tentative Agreements

Article 6: Probationary Period
The parties tentatively agreed that lecturers will be eligible to exit the probationary period after two quarters at full-time or six courses, whichever is sooner. The language provides for management to observe, guide, and mentor employees in the probationary period as often as is possible and appropriate.
Article 7: Grievance and Arbitration Procedures
The parties tentatively agreed to language detailing the definitions, timelines, and processes pertaining to employee grievances, up to and including arbitration.
Article 14: Corrective Action/Formal Discipline
The parties tentatively agreed that corrective action will only be administered for just cause, and that the University will determine the specific step at which the process begins based on the nature and severity of the problem.
The language allows for an extension lecturer to request the early removal of disciplinary materials from their department annual file, and once removed, such materials will not be used in subsequent adverse action against the lecturer.
Article 17: Benefits
The parties tentatively agreed on language memorializing that employee health care benefits are determined by the Washington Health Care Authority. The language includes links to online benefits and eligibility information for academic staff.
Article 27: Academic Freedom
The parties tentatively agreed to define academic freedom as freedom of discussion and teaching methods in the classroom. The language memorializes the UW’s support for academic freedom within the law, and speaks to extension lecturers’ responsibility to ensure that course content and in-class conduct is appropriate and respects the needs of international students.

Next Steps

The next UW-AFT bargaining session is scheduled for July 8.