Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for June 7, 2013

This recap details the 20th bargaining session between the UW and AFT.

AFT Counter-Proposals

Probationary Period
AFT maintained its proposal to prescribe how and when management conducts observations and provides feedback and mentoring throughout the probationary period.
Grievance and Arbitration Procedures
AFT proposed omitting examples of management rights that are not subject to grievance and arbitration procedures. AFT again declined UW’s proposal to prohibit the union from bringing a claim to additional legal forums after arbitrating it.
Management Rights
AFT proposed to further abbreviate the language outlining management rights regarding academic matters as well as performance evaluations. AFT maintained its proposed language memorializing UW’s obligation to bargain over mandatory subjects of bargaining.
Personnel Files
AFT maintained its proposal for files to be returned to extension lecturers after three years, and proposed that documented disciplinary action that may be subject to future legal action may be archived according to applicable retention schedules.
Corrective Action
AFT proposed allowing for extension lecturers to request the early removal of disciplinary materials from their annual file at any time. AFT proposed that if management does not begin investigating an incident within 30 days of becoming aware of it, the incident will be dismissed.
AFT proposed modified language to memorialize that health care benefits will be determined by the Washington Health Care Authority, and proposed that the online benefits summaries applicable to extension lecturers be replicated in hard copy in the contract.
Academic Freedom
AFT maintained its proposal to guarantee that no restrictions could be placed on the content taught by each extension lecturer or on the conduct of their class, while recognizing that class conduct and content should be appropriate and respect the needs of international students.

UW Presentation

UW Counter-Proposals
Reassigned Time
UW proposed language to memorialize that barring rare exceptions, any reassignment work will be limited to half of an extension lecturer’s full-time load. UW proposed clarifying that the IELP Senior Director may revoke reassigned positions at the end of any quarter, and that all management-directed reassignment positions will be advertised.
University Suspended Operations
UW proposed to change the article title to “”Suspended Operations,” to better reflect the University’s policies and practices.
UW Package Proposals

In an effort to settle several outstanding issues, UW put forth a package proposal affecting provisions on probationary period, grievance and arbitration procedures, management rights, corrective action, and academic freedom. The package would require various compromises by both parties, and would need to be accepted in its entirety.

Further Dialogue

Contract Terminology

AFT proposed that UW standardize its terminology in reference to management throughout the contract, instead of using distinct and specific management titles in different provisions.

UW agreed to use one consistent, more broadly applicable term such as “Management” or “Employer” throughout the contract.

Next Steps

The next UW-AFT bargaining session is currently being determined.