Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for May 31, 2013

This recap details the 19th bargaining session between the UW and AFT.

UW Benefits Presentation

AFT brought questions on employee benefits for Katy Dwyer, executive director of Benefits at the UW. AFT stated that the UW Benefits website does not reference benefits specific to extension lecturers.

Ms. Dwyer explained that the Washington Health Care Authority groups academic staff, which includes extension lecturers, into a broad “Faculty” category. The UW Benefits website reflects this, and therefore the “Faculty” benefits detailed in the online benefits summaries are those which apply to extension lecturers.

In order to clarify that these benefits apply not only to faculty, but also to other academic personnel such as extension lecturers, UW agreed to add “Academic Staff” to the “Faculty” heading on the benefits summaries website.

AFT Counter-Proposals

Reassigned Time, Lead Teacher, and Specialist Positions
AFT proposed that reassignment work be based on the equivalent percentage of a full-time load of 40 hours per week. AFT declined UW’s proposal to allow for the IELP senior director to revoke reassigned positions at any time, and proposed a requirement that managers provide advance notice of employee reassignment to the union.
University Closure
AFT proposed that if a client contract requires the University to perform a defined amount of in-class time, the parties would jointly discuss whether classes in such programs must be made up if missed due to suspended University operations.

Next Steps

The next UW-AFT bargaining session is scheduled for June 7.