Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for October 12, 2012

This recap details the seventh bargaining session between the UW and AFT.

UW Presentation

UW presented a package counter-proposal, addressing the majority of AFT’s contract proposals.

Key Points of UW’s Counter-Proposal
Paid Reassigned Time
UW proposed providing 25 percent paid reassigned time for one union representative per academic quarter.
Job Responsibilities
UW proposed expanding AFT’s proposed list of extension lecturer core job responsibilities. This included adding the evaluation of student progress, the use of the UWEO-provided email account for work-related correspondence, and the provision of information for administrative reports.
UW also proposed a list delineating advanced-level contributions extension lecturers are encouraged to make, including mentoring new instructors, serving as lead instructors, and teaching across the curriculum and in different programs.
Daily Schedules
UW proposed scheduling classes each day such that no more than eight hours elapse between the beginning of the first class and the end of the last class taught by an extension lecturer. This would include the option of extending the hours and/or the number of courses taught per day upon mutual agreement between the extension lecturer and management.
UW proposed omitting AFT’s proposed contract article pertaining to benefits, explaining that benefits are negotiated elsewhere and are beyond the scope of the parties’ collective bargaining.
Professional Development Funds
In response to AFT’s proposal for each extension lecturer to receive $1,000 per year for professional development purposes, UW proposed that extension lecturers adopt and have access to the same professional development program available to UWEO staff.
Contract Interpretation
UW proposed language clarifying that the IELP Operations Manual will govern any contract-related subject not covered in the collective bargaining agreement.
UW proposed language to memorialize that no provisions negotiated in this contract will be applied retroactively for time prior to the effective date.

Next Steps

The next UW/AFT bargaining session is scheduled for October 26.