Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for August 17, 2012

This recap details the sixth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and WFSE, and the second session facilitated by a neutral mediator.

Scope of Negotiations

The parties continued efforts to compromise on several open contract articles. The conversation focused mainly on the following articles and issue areas:

Article 21: Performance Evaluation
Criteria for evaluation forms, and the amount of time after receiving a performance evaluation that an employee has to provide a written response.
Article 23: Corrective Action
The level at which corrective action may begin, and guidelines around notifying the union when a WFSE-represented employee is recommended for dismissal.
Article 39: Hours of Work and Schedules
Alternative work schedules for non-hospital personnel.

Other articles for discussion involved alternative schedules, overtime, promotions, and seniority/layoff.

Tentative Agreements

KRONOS Implementation
The parties tentatively agreed to update the contract’s KRONOS memorandum to reflect that WFSE recognizes UW’s right to continue with the implementation of the KRONOS timekeeping system, and that UW will bargain the effects that implementation has on WFSE-represented employees.
Article 29: Sick Leave
UW tentatively withdrew its proposal to require all employees to notify management of an unexpected absence at least two hours before the beginning of their scheduled shift, or risk losing the use of paid sick leave for that day.

Further Dialogue

The parties agreed to arrange a small “side table” meeting to discuss issues and proposals specific to the medical centers.

Next Steps

The next UW/WFSE bargaining session is scheduled for August 22.