Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for August 15, 2012

This recap details the fourth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 925.

UW Presentation

UW Responses to SEIU 925 Proposals
Temporary, Hourly, and Fixed Duration Employees
UW explained that it cannot support the proposed across-the-board wage increases for these employees.
UW explained that it is already University policy that such employees are paid within their designated salary range. Accordingly, if the salary range they fall within increases, their pay will not be “left behind” the range’s new minimum. Additionally, managers currently have the flexibility to increase the hourly rate of a temporary employee that returns to a temporary position after a break in service.
Excepted Work Period Positions
UW expressed its hesitation to establish a specific and standardized threshold for the point at which overtime-exempt employees begin to accrue overtime pay, as it runs counter to the notion of them being exempt employees.
Overtime After Shift
UW explained that offering overtime pay on a daily basis every time an employee works beyond their 10 or 12 hour shift becomes problematic when considering part-time employees.
UW pointed out the potential for inequity, illustrating how a full-time employee could be paid for working 40 hours during a week at their normal pay rate, while a part-time employee working less than 40 hours could receive overtime pay if they simply worked beyond their shift on at least one day. This could result in a part-time employee earning more than a full-time employee in a given workweek.
SEIU 925 Response

SEIU 925 replied that the employees it represents would not mind such a scenario, as they are supportive of each other’s interests.

UW Counter-Proposals
Joint Labor Training Sessions
UW presented a counter to SEIU 925’s proposal to create a labor-themed organizational training class. UW proposed that the parties jointly sponsor one or more full day training sessions available to SEIU 925 stewards and members, and UW management.
These sessions would expand employees’ understanding of union and management roles at the UW through topics that would include the history of unions and the nature of collective bargaining, and could qualify for the eight hours of paid release time already provided to stewards for steward training.

SEIU 925 Presentation

SEIU 925 Proposals
Language Pay
SEIU 925 proposed slight amendments to the description in Article 8.13 of scenarios in which employees other than certified translators may qualify for a pay premium for providing translation services.
Market Adjustments
SEIU 925 proposed across-the-board wage increases for any job titles deemed to be paid less than the market wage median.

Further Dialogue

Employee Contact Information
SEIU 925 revisited UW’s concern over providing the union with certain contact information for employees that have requested that it remain private.
SEIU 925 reiterated its argument that all contact information of UW employees is public information, and that if UW does not provide it, the union will obtain it through a public records request.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for August 27.