Labor Relations

WA Federation of State Employees Police Management

A wide variety of University of Washington employees are represented by the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE). WFSE is part of The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). At the University, WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 represents UW Police Department management.

Current contract

The current contract between UW and WFSE AFSCME Council 28 Police Management can be found here. A copy of the 2025-2027 tentative agreements have been posted here, and will be replaced with the finalized agreement once available.

Negotiation updates

News and updates on the latest UWPD-WFSE Police Management contract negotiations can be accessed on the Negotiation Updates page.

RCW 43.88.583 Summary

2023-2025 contract (with RCW 43.88.583 Summary)*
*This summary was drafted upon ratification, so please consult the current contract for the most up to date contract version.

Previous contracts

2021-2023 contract
2019-2021 contract
2017-2019 contract
2015-2017 contract
2013-2015 contract
2011-2013 contract