Labor Relations

Labor Relations Trainings

Labor Relations presents trainings on Labor Relations basics, contract updates, and contract implementation. Please see below for decks from recent trainings offered.


Labor Relations 101 – Manager Training: Designed as an introductory course, LR 101 is offered quarterly to ground new or existing managers in the core principles of labor relations. This session provides essential knowledge on the rights and responsibilities inherent in the collective bargaining process, aiming to prevent grievances and Unfair Labor Practices. Through this foundational course, participants will gain a clearer perspective on the dynamics of labor relations at the University of Washington, setting the stage for more effective and legally compliant management practices. The slide deck is available here.

Labor Relations 102 – Union Information Requests provides participants with the knowledge to navigate union information requests effectively and in compliance with legal requirements. Participants gain a better understanding of the unions’ right to information and increase their confidence in completing union information requests.

LR 102 is recommended for managers and HR professionals who may respond to union information requests. However, it is open to anyone interested in learning more on the topic. While LR 101 is recommended as a foundational course, it is not required.

  • July 3, 2024, 12:00PM – 1:00PM – Register Here
  • July 25, 2024, 1:00PM – 2:00PM – Register Here
  • Join the waiting list if you would like to be notified of future openings. We will likely offer the course again in early 2025.

Labor Relations 201: Offered quarterly, LR 201 delves into the nuances of management rights within the context of labor relations, specifically addressing how these rights apply when managing union-represented staff. Each quarter, the focus shifts to address different critical aspects under this umbrella.