Resident and Fellow Physician Union – Northwest
Residents and Fellows in medicine and dentistry at UW negotiate through the Resident and Fellow Physician Union (RFPU) – Northwest. For more details on who is represented by the RFPU – Northwest and covered by the RFPU – Northwest contract, please see the RFPU – Northwest Bargaining Unit Summary.
Current contract
The current contract between UW and the RFPU – Northwest can be found here. Additional Memoranda of Understanding and other agreements bargained mid-contract can be accessed on the Mid-cycle MOUs page.
Negotiation updates
News and updates on the latest UW-RFPU contract negotiations can be accessed on the Negotiation Updates page.
RCW 43.88.583 Summary
2022-2025 RFPU Contract (agreement with RCW 43.88.583 Summary)*
* This summary was drafted upon ratification, so please consult the current contract for the most up to date version.
Previous contracts
2022-2025 RFPU Contract
2020-2022 RFPU Contract
2016-2019 UWHA Contract
* This summary was drafted upon ratification, so please consult the current contract for the most up to date contract version.