RFPU-CIR: UW Negotiations Recap for March 11, 2025
This recap details the second virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Washington and the Resident and Fellow Physician Union-Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU (RFPU-CIR). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
RFPU-CIR Initial Proposals
Article 1: Definitions
The Union proposed to change the terminology from “Chief Resident” to “Lead Resident.” This is a nomenclature change only, the Union is not proposing a change to the definition.
Article 3: Childcare
The Union proposed new language which includes an acknowledgement from the Employer that the waitlists for the UW Children’s Centers are typically longer than the length of a residency. The Union also proposed to increase the funds the Employer contributes to the Union’s childcare fund from $75,000 annually to $250,000 annually.
The Union proposed that there be an annual review of Article 3.8, Lactation Accommodation, in the Labor-Management Committee meeting, which would occur as described in the Union’s Article 9 proposal from February 25, 2025.
Article 4: Disciplinary Action and Just Cause
The Union proposed new definitions and procedural items in this article. These proposals are not intended to replace or alter the academic appeal process.
First, the Union proposed that discipline should be defined as any non-reappointment, non-promotion, suspension, or termination. Additionally, the Union proposes that adverse actions should not be considered disciplinary. The Union defined such adverse actions as a decision to withhold credit; to extend residency training; to put a resident on probation, or to withhold permission to take their specialty board examination.
The Union also proposed that The University would give five (5) working days advance written notice of any intended disciplinary action or adverse action to the resident and the CIR representative. Under this proposal, the notice of intended discipline would state the nature and extent of discipline, the specific charges against the resident, and describe the circumstances upon which each charge is based. The resident would have the right to request a meeting with the program director to discuss the discipline and the right to have representation at that meeting.
Lastly, the Union proposed that residents would have full access to their own personnel files.
Article 6: Fringe Benefits
For Article 6.4, Meals, the Union proposed a reduction in the shift length requirement to receive a meal reimbursement. In this proposal, residents would receive one (1) meal reimbursement every eight (8) hours, which is currently provided after every twelve (12) hours. The Union also proposed that all twenty-four hour shifts are eligible to receive up to three (3) meal reimbursements, which currently is only allowed for weekend and holiday shifts. The Union proposed adding outpatient settings to the list of facilities that would provide meal reimbursements. The Union proposed that the meal reimbursement would be increased from $12.00 a meal to $22.00 a meal, and increased again to $23.00 a meal on July 1, 2026.
The Union proposed a new $100/month cell phone stipend for residents who use their cell phone for employment-related activities.
The Union proposed a new relocation stipend. This stipend would be a one-time payment of $5,000 per resident, which would be provided if the main location of their residency or fellowship is at least 50 miles from their former principal place of work, or their former residence if they did not have a former place of work. The relocation stipend would be provided in the first July paycheck. Additionally, the Union proposed this new stipend would be paid retroactively to residents if they previously worked under the prior 2022-2025 CBA; continue to work under the new CBA; and relocated at least 50 miles for their first year of employment. The retroactive payment would be paid in the July 2025 paycheck.
RFPU-CIR proposed that all residents would have free access to the Intramural Activities (IMA) building. Additionally, the Union proposed a new $50/month gym/wellness stipend for each resident.
Lastly, the proposal includes a new bilingual resident supplement. In this proposal, a resident who is bilingual in English and one other language would receive an annual bilingual bonus of $1,200 per academic year. A resident could qualify for this bonus in three ways. First, a resident could complete the module for Bilingual Staff in the UW-Medicine LMS and successfully undergo a language fluency evaluation. Second, a resident could provide proof of university degree from a country and institution where instruction was in a target language other than English. Third, a resident could hold an interpreter certification from a recognized credentialing body.
Article 7: Grievance Procedure
The Union proposed additional language stating that the Union may choose to skip Step Three of the grievance procedure. This is allowed in current contract language.
Article 16: Time Off – Vacation
The Union proposed that a vacation day would start at midnight on the first vacation day, and end at midnight the last vacation day. Currently, vacation time off must be one (1) continuous twenty-four (24) hour period rather than a calendar day off. The Union proposed that all residents should be able to receive and/or use vacation time off, whereas current contract language states a resident must be appointed at least .50 FTE to earn/use vacation time.
The Union proposed new language which states that programs will make every effort to honor a Resident’s vacation request and that vacation requests will not be unreasonably denied.
Article 22: Salary/Stipend
The Union proposed that the UW GME salary schedule would be increased by 12% on July 1, 2025, 12% on July 1, 2026, and 12% on July 1, 2027.
The Union proposed language consistent with their proposal for Article 1 regarding the terminology of “chief” vs “lead” residents. In this proposal, Lead Residents would receive an additional allowance of $300 per month, up from the current allowance of $225 per month.
Additionally, the Union proposed the allowance that residents receive be renamed “Housing Allowance,” and they proposed an increase of this allowance from $8,500 per academic year to $12,000 per academic year.
Article 24: Transportation
The Union proposed that residents would not be charged for weekend parking at UWMC, HMC, SCH and the VA beginning at 4:00PM Fridays as long as they exit by 11:59PM on Sunday. Currently residents must enter the garage at 12AM Saturday in order to receive free weekend parking. In this proposal, HMC offsite parking and shuttle service would be free for all residents at all times.
This article also contains a proposal which states that residents will have access to secure indoor bicycle parking at all clinical sites at no charge, and that there will be sufficient bike parking to accommodate all residents without a waitlist.
Additionally, the Union proposed a new environmental incentive, in which all residents would be paid $5.00 every day they commute to work without the use of a private vehicle.
Lastly, the Union proposed that the GME Office would reimburse residents for use of the Emergency/Safe Ride Home Program within ten (10) calendar days. In this proposal, the Employer would be required to provide a written explanation of denial of any Safe Ride Home reimbursements. Residents would also be allowed unlimited use of the Safe Ride Home program to the offsite HMC lot when the HMC shuttle is not running.
New Articles:
The Union proposed the addition of two new articles.
NEW Article: Delegate Convention
The Union proposed that bargaining unit members who are elected delegates of the union will be granted paid release time of four (4) days per year to attend to the annual union convention.
NEW Article: Housestaff Benefit Plan (HSBP)
This newly proposed article contains a supplemental benefits plan for residents administered by CIR Benefit Funds, which the Employer would pay into.
Next Steps
The next RFPU-CIR and UW bargaining session will be March 25, 2025. The parties agreed the next session will be held virtually.