RFPU-CIR: UW Negotiations Recap for February 25, 2025
This recap details the first virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Washington and the Resident and Fellow Physician Union-Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU (RFPU-CIR). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
RFPU-CIR Initial Proposals
Article 5: Dues Deduction and RFPU Membership
The Union proposed that it would be allotted sixty (60) minutes to present to new residents at the end of annual departmental orientations. This would be in addition to the sixty (60) minutes currently allotted at the GME Orientation.
The Union also proposed that the Employer would honor the Union’s political action fund deduction authorizations. This would allow for members to voluntarily donate to the fund, known as Committee On Political Education (“COPE”), via payroll deduction.
Article 9: Housestaff Advisory Committee
RFPU-CIR proposes to change this meeting from an ad-hoc format to a set monthly reoccurring meeting. The proposal states that if neither party has suggested agenda items seven (7) days in advance of the meeting, the meeting may be cancelled. The Union also added new language that would allow for both parties to invite guests, subject matter experts, or additional bargaining unit employees to the meeting.
Article 10: Time Off – Bereavement
Current contract language allows for up to three (3) days paid bereavement time off to attend the funeral and/or make arrangements necessitated by the death. The Union proposes to strike this language and proposes that members would be granted three (3) days off total, making three days the default amount of time someone would be granted.
Article 12: Time Off – Holidays
In order to emphasize the importance of holiday time off, the Union proposes striking current contract language that states that clinical responsibilities and educational requirements may necessitate that a resident report for duty on a holiday. The Union proposed that should a resident preform any duties, or should they be on-call, during any portion of a paid holiday, they would be granted an additional paid personal holiday. Additionally, this proposal would remove the annual forfeiture language for personal holiday(s), which would allow them to roll over from year-to-year.
Lastly, the Union also proposed that the day before Christmas would be added as an additional paid holiday.
Article 15: Time Off – Sick
RFPU-CIR proposed to strike the current contract language that states that sick time off is not transferrable and is not paid out as additional compensation at the completion or expiration of an appointment.
The Union’s proposal would expand the definition of family member for the purposes of sick time off. The proposed new language states that a family member is defines as: the employee’s spouse or same or intimate partner as defined by RCW 70.123.020, as well as children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, grandparents, great grandparents, siblings, nieces, nephews, (or gender-neutral equivalent), aunts, uncles, (or gender-neutral equivalent) or is living in the household of a resident. Those persons in a “step” relationship, such as step-siblings, are also considered a family member.
Additionally, the proposal includes new language that would encourage supervisors to allow the resident to take annual leave in the case of the death of a family member that falls outside this definition or the death of a close friend.
Article 26: Duration
The Union proposed to move the date to request negotiation of a successor Agreement and the expiration of the contract up by three months with the goal that bargaining would be completed by the time of the GME orientation.
Under this proposal, the contract would be effective upon ratification or July 1, 2025, whichever is later, and remain in force through March 30, 2028, whereas it previously expired in June. Each party would be able to request negotiation by April 1, 2027 and bargaining would commence no sooner than October 1, 2028, previously July and January respectively.
Article 27: Scheduling
The Union proposed a suite of new language in this article regarding duty hours and compliance with ACGME requirements. First, the Union proposed that the Employer will remain in compliance with ACGME requirements pertaining to duty hours, work schedules, and release time. The Union also proposed changing language that states residents will not be disciplined for reporting duty hours violation to language that says residents shall have the affirmative duty to report such violations.
The Union proposed the addition of language that states that duty hours would be limited to eighty (80) hours per week, averaged over every four (4) week period. Each Resident would be provided with one day in every seven (7) free from all clinical, administrative, and educational duties, averaged over every four (4) week period. Additionally, if a Resident did not receive such release time, (an) alternative free day(s) would be scheduled within the four (4) week period.
Furthermore, RFPU-CIR proposed that Residents would not be removed from an elective in order to cover a back-up shift and at no time would Residents be required to make up contractually guaranteed sick time or other PTO, unless necessitated by the appropriate specialty board to meet graduation requirements.
The Union also proposed that the Hospital would ensure that the learning of residents is not significantly impacted by the absence of a resident on a leave of absence. This would include hiring locums as needed.
Lastly, the Union proposed that if the duty hours permitted by the ACGME or other governing authority were to be reduced, or the release time required was increased (or both) Article 27 would be interpreted and applied using the new time requirements.
New Articles:
The Union proposed the addition of two new articles.
NEW Article: Leave General Provisions
This article adds two new provisions regarding leave. First, the Union proposed that should a Resident’s worksite be closed or otherwise inaccessible due to inclement weather or other unsafe working conditions, Residents would not be charged from any balance of leave or sick time for that unworked time. Second, the Union proposed new language that would allow Residents to receive a payout of unused sick, vacation, personal paid holidays, and professional days of $100/day upon completion of each PGY year.
NEW Article: Prayer and Meditation Rooms
This article proposes that the Employer would provide a prayer/meditation room for religious or personal observance of Residents at each rotation site, and that the Union and the Employer would work together to identify a suitable space at each site.
Next Steps
The next RFPU-CIR and UW bargaining session is still being scheduled. The parties agreed the next session will be held virtually.