Labor Relations

WFSE – UW Negotiations Recap for Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10, 2024

This recap details the tenth and eleventh virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Washington and WFSE. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements
The parties tentatively agreed to the following:

Article 6 – Grievance Procedure
The parties agreed to mostly current contract language except in the instances noted below:
The parties agreed that a description of the events that resulted in the alleged violation would be included in the grievance filing. In addition to the name of the grievant(s), their position would be included as well. Finally, the parties agreed that the Employer could not arbitrarily delay scheduling a grievance meeting until the Union had provided any of the required information for filing.
Panel of Arbitrators
The parties agreed to update language to current practice as well as note that they would maintain a panel of six arbitrators. When it became necessary, the parties would meet to replace any arbitrators to ensure the panel contained six arbitrators.
New Subsection Mediation and Arbitration Hearing
The parties agreed to include that when a mediation or arbitration hearing was scheduled during an employee’s normal business hours, the Union would submit a release request to the employee’s supervisor and copy Labor Relations. If approved, the employee assigned to an evening or night would be released from their duties with pay the day before or the night of the meeting for the hours required to participate in the hearing for a maximum of eight hours.

Article 14 – Hiring, Appointments, Promotions, and Transfers
The parties agreed to housekeeping edits, current contract language, and the modifications listed below:
Types of Appointments
The parties agreed that for cyclic employees, periods of leave without pay in their annual cycle would not negatively impact months of service for calculating step increases or vacation time off accrual rates. The parties also agreed to strike that with regards to accrual, employees working during a cyclic leave of absence would accrue paid time off prorated based on regular hours worked and paid time off used in a month.
The parties agreed that the Employer would interview at least two bargaining unit applicants per job requisition as long as they possess the essential skills.
Taking Positions Represented by Other CBAs
The parties agreed that when WFSE members take positions represented by other collective bargaining agreements for which they have not held permanent status would follow the trial service language for the WFSE CBA upon reversion. If their previous position is no longer available, the employee would revert to the rehire list for the position they held permanent status immediately prior to taking the non-WFSE position.
Temporary Assignment to a Higher Position
The parties agreed to move the temporary salary increase language into this article so that it now states, the employee would be paid a temporary salary increase of at least fiver percent over the present salary but not to exceed the maximum of the range, when assigned or directed to perform the duties of a higher-level class. These increases would be effective on the first day of the assignment on an hour-for-hour basis.

Article 26 – Civil Duty Time Off and Bereavement Time Off
The parties agreed to current contract language.

Article 33 – Transportation and Commute Trip Reduction
The parties agreed to current contract language.

Article 36 – Corrective Action/Dismissal
The parties agreed that the day after notice is provided would be the first day of the three day notice period to secure representation.

Article 42 – Union Activities, Rights, and Stewards
New Steward Training
The parties agreed that in the situations of new steward training, confirmation of attendance should be communicated to the supervisor and human resources in advance of meetings.
Use of State Facilities, Resources, and Equipment
The parties agreed that when possible, a private space would be provided for employees to meet with their steward and/or union representative. Additionally, the parties agreed that when email, fax machines, internet, and intranets are used properly, such use would not be used for disciplinary purposes.
Information Requests
The parties agreed that all requests for information will be submitted in writing to the Labor Relations office. Additionally, requests would not normally extend more than 24 months prior to the date of the request unless a legitimate reason is articulated.

Article 43 – Joint Union/Management Committees
The parties agreed that upon mutual agreement, the Union or Employer could have additional members attend joint union/management committee meetings as subject matter experts.

Article 62 – Advance Certification/Registration Pay
The parties agreed to add biomedical electronics technician series to this provision.

Appendix IV – Layoff Seniority Units
The parties agreed to current contract language noting that biomedical electronics technicians would be a part of unit number 17 with regards to layoff seniority units.

Side Letter B – Public Transportation Delays
The parties agreed to extend this side letter and replace bus transportation with any type of transportation as well as replace bus breakdown with vehicle or public transportation breakdown.

New MOU – Market Based Increases
The parties agreed to several market-based increases for listed job profiles; these increases articulated multiple movement to new, higher, ranges within the same pay table.

New MOU – Biomedical Electronic Technician
The parties agreed to include a new MOU that details the accretion of the biomedical electronics technicians at UWMC-Montlake into positions represented by WFSE. This MOU details which bargaining unit these profiles would join and which job profiles within this series would be assigned to which pay tables and ranges.


WFSE Counter Proposals

Article 7 – Employee Rights
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union reduced the days allowed to find to representation from four to three but maintained excluding weekends and holidays.

Article 10 – Overtime
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to maintain that all employees represented by WFSE could accrue up to 240 hours of compensatory time. Additionally, the Union proposed that whenever overtime work was required, supervisors would notify staff at least two hours prior to the end of their shift. This is a reduction from the previous proposal of four hours before the end of the shift. In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union withdrew it’s proposal to pay mandatory overtime hours worked at a rate of two times the employees’ regular rate if management failed to provide at least four hours advance notice.
For Hospital Security Officers
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union withdrew its proposal that if an employee is not normally scheduled to work on Sundays and the employee does work on a Sunday, they would be compensated at a rate of two times their regular rate of pay.

Article 12 – Licensure and Certification
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained that the Employer would reimburse employees for all renewal costs related to their license and/or certification.

Article 32 – Uniforms and Special Clothing
Safety Boot Reimbursement
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union reduced the reimbursement amount from $225 per year to $200 per year during the life of this agreement. Additionally, the Union withdrew its proposal to include required color or slip resistant shoes.
Tools and Equipment
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union withdrew the examples provided so that now the language reads as when requested, staff would be provided with protective gloves and glasses to safely perform their work.
Load Bearing Belt/Vest
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained that when requested, Trades staff would be provided with one load bearing utility belt or vest.
External Load Bearing Vest
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained that when requested, Hospital Security Officers at Harborview would be provided with one external load bearing vest.
Prescription Safety Glasses
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union withdrew its proposal to reimburse the employee for the purchase of prescription safety glasses.

Article 45 – Compensation, Wages, and Other Pay Provisions
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to reduce the across the board increases from 17% to 10% in the first year, and from 15% to 10% in the second year of the agreement.
Annual Salary Adjustment
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintains their proposal on movement of on health care schedules to reflect that employees on health care pay tables would receive a two step increases after twelve months of service.
Shift Differential Premium
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintains their position on shift differential premium pay.
Stand-by Pay (On Call)
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union agreed to include the Employer’s proposal to increase standby pay for healthcare jobs to $7 per hour and countered that all non-healthcare jobs should also be increased to $7 per hour standby pay. The Union also agreed to include the Employer’s proposal that when called to return to the workstation from standby status, the employee would receive premium pay for a minimum work period of three hours.
Multilingual/Sign Language/Braille Premium Pay
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained to keep Braille premium pay.
Assignment Pay
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their proposed $4 per hour assignment pay.
Preceptor Premium Pay
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained changing this section to be Trainer Premium Pay.
Late Payroll Checks
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to remove the late check penalty, and increase the number of days allowed for the Employer to cut an employee a check when their initial paycheck was missed from one day to two days.
Trades License Premium
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to include Grades 1, 2, or 3 Steam Engineer (Seattle) license to the list of eligible licenses for Power Plan Mechanic series. The Union also proposed to include Power Plant Operating Engineer series with eligible licenses of EPA Universal or Grades 1, 2, or 3 Steam Engineer (Seattle) and Machinery Mechanic series with eligible licenses of Grade 1, 2, or 3 Steam Engineer (Seattle).
Work From Home
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their proposal to include language about employees performing work while at home.
King and Pierce County Premium Pay
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union withdrew this part of their proposal.
AACS Float Pool / UWMC Resource Team and UWMC Ambulatory Float Team Premium Pay – Harborview Medical Center and UW Medical Center-Montlake Campus Only
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their proposal to include language about employees receiving a premium of $3.50 per hour if on either of these teams.
Longevity Premium Pay
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their proposal to include longevity premium pay but reduced the percentages at 15 years and 20 years from 6% and 10% to 4.5% and 6%, respectively.

Article 47 – Contracting
In response to the Employer, the Union maintained their proposal from September 5.

Appendix VI – Contracting Out Form
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained the inclusion of New Attachment B in the Contracting Out Form but withdrew its proposal to include the checkbox on whether or not all affected shops had been contacted.

New Attachment B – Contracting Out Flow Chart
In response to the Employer’s proposals, the Union maintained including this attachment as proposed on June 18.

MOU – Trades Apprenticeship Program
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their proposal to strike this MOU.

New MOU – Apprenticeship Program Automotive Mechanic Implementation
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to push back the implementation of this MOU to July 1, 2025, rather than January 1, 2025.The Union proposed that prior to implementation, the Employer would share with the Union its program curriculum. The Union proposed to strike that the apprenticeship position would be converted back to a Motor Equipment Service Attendant or Apprentice to enable another person to enter the program. The Union proposed to increase the salary range of someone placed into this program to table BL Range 61 rather than Table BL Range 40. Additionally, upon graduation, the employee would be placed at the top step of the range, BL Range 61, Step M. The Union proposed that mentors would receive a 7.5% additional assignment pay instead of a 1 step additional duty mentor assignment pay. Finally, the Union proposed that once the first apprentice graduates from the program, the parties would meet to discuss how the program worked and whether the program should continue. This proposed that this subcommittee would be composed of one member of auto mechanic management, one WFSE represented auto mechanic, two other members of management, and two other WFSE represented trades members.

New Article – Trades Apprenticeship Program
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their proposal to include this new article as proposed on June 18.

MOU – UW Medicine Pre-Scheduled Voluntary Double-Time Shift Incentive for Critical Staffing Needs
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintains their proposal to keep this MOU.

New MOU – Pay Equity Increases
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to reduce the salary increase from 20% to 15% for the listed job profiles.


WFSE What If Package Proposals
On September 9, 2024, the Union presented the following What If Package Proposal:
In this package, the Union proposed that if the Employer agreed to the Union’s Article 10 – Overtime proposal as presented on September 9, and Side Letter E – HMC Hospital Security Officers Compensatory Time as presented on June 18, the Union would withdraw its proposal to keep the MOU – UW Medicine Pre-Scheduled Voluntary Double-Time Shift Incentive for Critical Staffing Needs. Additionally, if the Employer agreed to the Union’s Article 20 – Miscellaneous Leave proposal as presented on June 18, then the Union would withdraw its proposal on Article 17 – Vacations.

On September 10, 2024, the Union presented the following What If Package Proposal:
In this package, the Union proposed that if the Employer agreed to the Union’s proposals on: MOU – Apprenticeship Program Automotive Mechanic Implementation as presented on September 10, New Article – Trades Apprenticeship Program as presented on June 18, Article 45 – Compensation, Wages, and Other Pay Provisions as presented on September 10, Article 47 – Contracting as presented on September 5, New MOU – Pay Equity Increases as presented on September 10, Appendix VI – Contracting Out Form as presented on September 10, New Attachment B – Contracting Out Flow Chart as presented on June 18, MOU – UW Medicine Pre-Scheduled Voluntary Double-Time Shift Incentive for Critical Staffing Needs as presented on July 31, then the Union would withdraw its proposals on Article 10 – Overtime (regarding only double time pay), Article 17 – Vacations (regarding additional vacation days only), and Article 20 – Miscellaneous Leave (regarding additional leave days only).


UW Initial Proposals

New MOU – Food Service Worker and Cook Series Expansion
The Employer proposed a comprehensive proposal that would have a wide impact on food service workers and cooks across the University. In this MOU, the Cook Lead classification would be renamed to Cook 2 and the class specs would be revised; a new Food Service Worker 3 position would be created; the current Food Service Worker 3 positions would be renamed to Food Service Worker 4 and the class spec would be revised; in the HMC bargaining unit a Food Service Worker 4 position would be created; the Food Service Supervisor 1 – Hospital job profile would be inactivated; Food Service Supervisor 2 – Hospital job profiles would be renamed to Food Service Supervisor – Hospital and would be reassigned to a higher range on the same pay table; and finally, employees would be classified based on current duties as of the effective date of this MOU.


UW Counter Proposals

Article 45 – Compensation, Wages, and Other Pay Provisions
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed to increase standby pay for healthcare jobs to $7 per hour. The Employer also proposed to increase nonhealthcare jobs standby pay to $4 per hour. Additionally, when called to physically return to the workstation from standby status, the employee would receive a premium for a minimum work period of three hours.

Next Steps
The next WFSE and UW bargaining session is scheduled for Monday, September 16, 2024 and will be held virtually.