Labor Relations

WFSE – UW Negotiations Recap for Thursday, August 29, 2024

This recap details the eighth virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Washington and WFSE. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties tentatively agreed to the following:

Article 18 – Sick Time Off
Sick Time Off – Use
The parties agreed to add that when an employee’s child’s school or place of care had been closed for a health-related reason, or after the declaration of an emergency by a local, state, or federal government agency, then the employee would be able to use sick time off. Additionally, the parties agreed to expand the definition of family member so that family members would include the employee’s child’s spouse and any individual who regularly resides in the employee’s home or where the relationship creates an expectation that the employee cares for this person.
Use of Vacation Time Off or Compensatory Time Off for Sick Time Off Purposes
The parties agreed that an employee who had used all accrued sick time off may be allowed to use accrued vacation time off and/or compensatory time off for sick time off purposes if this use was authorized by the employee’s departmental supervisor. Additionally, the parties agreed that an employee must be granted the use of accrued compensatory time to care for spouse, domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, minor/dependent child who has a serious health condition; for domestic violence leave; military spouse leave; and when requested as a supplemental benefit (as an example PFML).

Article 44 – Classifications and Reclassification
The parties agreed to align advance notification to 30 days in advance of any proposed implementation date. Additionally, the parties agreed that where an employee’s position was reallocated to a class with a lower salary range maximum, this employee would be placed at a step on the new range closest to, but not less than, their current rate of pay. If the current salary was above the maximum step, then the employee’s salary would be y-rated (frozen) until the new range catches up. Finally, the parties agreed to adjust the progression start date language so that it was easier to understand how an employee’s progression start date was identified.

Article 56 – Union Membership Dues Deduction and Status Reports
The parties agreed to clean up this article so that 56.7 Listing of Employees would accurately reflect the information provided in pay period registers.

Appendix I – Job Classifications
The parties agreed to edits that would align the job profile name description with how they depicted elsewhere.

MOU – Trades License Premium
The parties agreed to let this MOU expire while acknowledging that information regarding the Trades License Premium would move to Article 45 – Compensation, Wages, and Other Pay Provisions.

New Appendix – Bargaining Units Represented by WFSE
The parties agreed to add to the agreement a new appendix; this appendix would list the bargaining unit descriptions as described in PERC decisions.

On the following provisions, the parties agreed to current contract language:

  • Article 3 – Reasonable Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities
  • Article 16 – Holidays

WFSE Counter Proposals

Article 14 – Hiring, Appointments, Promotions and Transfers
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union agreed to the Employer’s proposal to increase the number of bargaining unit members who would be interviewed per job requisition where the applicants possess the essential skills.
Temporary Assignment to a Higher Position
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed that in situations where the employee would be paid a temporary salary increase, this amount would be at 10% and would apply whenever the employee was assigned or directed to do such duties. In these circumstances, the employee would be paid a full day of this temporary salary increase no matter the duration of the temporary salary increases.

Article 36 – Corrective Action/Dismissal
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union reduced the number of days’ notice period to secure a representative from five to four. The Union was in agreement regarding the language of the day after notice provided would be the first day of the notice period.

Article 45 – Compensation, Wages, and Other Pay Provisions
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained much of their previous proposal except for the below instances:
Transfers/Lateral Movement
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed to clarify that in the circumstances when an employee moves from one position to another position in the same or different classification at the same salary range, the employee would at the minimum retain their previous step.
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union agreed to the progression start date language clarification.
Work Out of Class
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union struck this section because they agreed with the Employer’s proposal to move this section to Article 14.15 – Temporary Assignment to a Higher Position.
Downward Allocation Compensation
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union agreed to the language that the progression start date would remain unchanged when an employee was reclassified.
Late Payroll Checks
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed that the Employer could provide a short payroll check or issue late payroll checks electronically. The Union maintained all other areas previously proposed in this section.
Trades License Premium
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union agreed to include the previous MOU – Trades License Premium within the body of Article 45. Additionally, the Union proposed adding the Machinery Master Mechanic series to the Trades License Premium list of affected job profiles.
Float Premium Pay – Harborview Medical Center and UW Medical Center-Montlake Campus Only
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed correcting this section to accurately reflect the intended units. This proposed section would then be called AACS Float Pool / UWMC Resource Team and UWMC Ambulatory Float Team Premium Pay – Harborview Medical Center and UW Medical Center-Montlake Campus Only. The Union proposed that the text would state Employees who are assigned to the AACS Float Pool or the UWMC Resource Team, or the UWMC Ambulatory Float Team would receive a premium of $3.50 per hour.

New MOU – Pay Equity Increases
In response to the Employer’s rejection, the Union proposed to reduce this pay increase from 25% to 20%.

In response to the Employer’s proposals on the following provisions, the Union proposed to maintain their previous proposal:

  • Article 10 – Overtime
  • Article 17 – Vacations
  • Article 20 – Miscellaneous Leave
  • Article 26 – Civil Duty Time Off and Bereavement Time Off
  • Article 47 – Contracting
  • Appendix VI – Contracting Out Form
  • Side Letter E – Hospital Security Officers Compensatory Time
  • New Attachment B – Contracting Out Flow Chart
  • New Article XX – Trades Apprenticeship Program

The Union rejected the following Employer proposals:

  • MOU – Trades Apprenticeship Program
  • New MOU – Apprenticeship Program Automotive Mechanic Implementation

UW Counter Proposals

Article 6 – Grievance Procedure
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposing withdrawing the proposed language on beginning scheduling of arbitrations within 30 calendar days of the Union advancing to Step Four: Arbitration.
Mediation and Arbitration Hearing
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer could only agree to a maximum of 8 hours of release from duty to participate in the mediation or arbitration hearing. Additionally, the Employer reiterated that that UW Labor Relations did not have the authority to grant release requests, only the employee’s supervisor had that authority.

Article 7 – Employee Rights
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer agreed that if notice was provided after 12pm, the day after notice is provided would be the first day of the notice period and would exclude holidays. However, the Employer maintained only allowing three business days to secure representation.
The Employer also agreed that in the circumstances where UW Labor Relations was scheduling virtual meetings, the Employer would provide a calendar invite and virtual meeting link to the Union.

Article 14 – Hiring, Appointments, Promotions, and Transfers
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed to increase from one to two the amount of bargaining unit members who would be interviewed per job requisition where the applicants possess the essential skills.

Article 28 – Inclement Weather and Suspended Operations
In response to the Union’s concerns, the Employer proposed including the previous order of use of leave in the case of suspended operations: accrued compensatory time and/or holiday credit, vacation time off, personal holiday, sick time off, and then unpaid time off. On this list, sick time off was proposed to be included to address the Union’s concerns regarding suspended operations. Additionally, the Employer proposed allowing employees who had no other paid time available, up to 15 calendars days after operations resume to make up work time lost.

Article 32 – Uniforms and Special Clothing
Safety Boot Reimbursement (Seattle Main Campus, UW-Bothell, UW-Tacoma, UWMC, and HMC Facilities Only)
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed to increase the yearly boot reimbursement from $175 to $200.
Tools and Equipment
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed that when requested, staff would be provided with protective gloves and safety glasses when required to safely perform their work. Additionally, in response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed that Trades Staff could request one load bearing utility belt or vest.

Article 33 – Transportation and Commute Trip Reduction
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer reasserted current contract language.

Article 36 – Corrective Action/Dismissal
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer could not agree to the language as proposed by the union regarding being prohibited from issuing progressive action based upon previously issued coachings or counselings that were not similar in nature since current practice is to include a summary of previously issued coachings and/or counselings. The Employer clarified that these summaries were informative and progressive corrective action was based on similar in nature offenses.
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed a three-day notice period to secure representation and the day after notice is provided would be the first of these days.

Article 42 – Union Activities, Rights, and Stewards
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed withdrawing the language detailing advance notice when union stewards visit bargaining unit employees in locations that are not the steward’s own work site.
Use of State Facilities, Resources, and Equipment
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed that private space for meetings would be provided when it was possible to do so. Additionally, resources such as e-mail, fax machines, internet, and intranets would not be used for disciplinary purposes when used properly.
Information Requests
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed withdrawing the sentence that requests would clearly identify what information was being sought and include the reason for the request. Additionally, the Employer proposed that the Union could request information more than 24 months prior to the date of the request if a legitimate reason was articulated.

New MOU – Pay Equity Increases
The Employer rejected the Union’s proposal.


Next Steps
The next WFSE and UW bargaining session is scheduled for Thursday, September 5, 2024 and will be held virtually.