Labor Relations

WFSE – UW Negotiations Recap for Wednesday, July 31, 2024

This recap details the fourth virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Washington and WFSE. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties tentatively agreed to let the following MOUs and Side Letter expire:

  • MOU – Critical Recruitment and Retention Wage Increases
  • MOU – Dietetic Tech LPN MHS and Ortho Tech Recruitment & Retention
  • MOU – Healthcare Pay Tables Consolidation
  • MOU – Health Care Recruitment & Retention Wage Increases
  • MOU – Hospital Custodian Series
  • MOU – Intermittent Nonpermanent and Represented Regular Temporary Employees
  • MOU – Lump Sum Payment
  • MOU – Market Based Increases
  • MOU – Non-Healthcare Across The Board Increases Me Too
  • MOU – Skilled Trades Recruitment & Retention Increases
  • Side Letter D – UW Seattle Campus Building Services

The parties tentatively agreed to roll over the following MOUs and Side Letter:

  • MOU – Leave of Absence of WFSE President
  • MOU – Multi-Campus Voluntary Standby Pool
  • MOU – Public Records Requests and Privacy
  • MOU – Scholarship Fund for Medical Center Employees
  • Side Letter C – Tracking and Discrimination Bias

UW Proposals

Article 9 – Hours of Work and Work Schedules
The Employer proposed to increase the hours of rest between shifts for surgical technologists, patient care techs, mental health specialists, and hospital assistants from ten hours off duty between shifts to eleven hours. Additionally, in the event where an employee is required to work with less than eleven hours off duty between shifts, then all time worked within this window would be compensated at time and one-half.

Article 14 – Hiring, Appointments, Promotions, and Transfers
The Employer proposed housekeeping edits in addition to adding language that provides clarity to cyclic appointments.
In this new section, the Employer proposed adding language that would detail which contract would prevail in the cases where a WFSE represented employee moved to a new position in a different union, and then reverted back to their previous position.
In this section, the Employer proposed moving language regarding temporary salary increases from Article 45 to this section of Article 14 so that language regarding Temporary Assignments to Higher Positions would all be in the same location.

Article 15 – Inter-System Movement and Transfer
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed to include language to address the Union’s concern that such inter-system movements would also include non-academic appointments.

Article 18 – Sick Time Off
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer proposed language that would align both parties proposals.

Article 20 – Miscellaneous Leave
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer reasserted current contract language while making housekeeping updates to Benefits Office’s phone number and email address.

Article 32 – Uniforms and Special Clothing
The Employer proposed to increase the safety boot reimbursement for Seattle main campus from $150 to $175 per year.

Article 36 – Corrective Action/Dismissal
The Employer proposed language that would clarify the number of representatives for corrective action/dismissal meetings. As well as language that would clarify that Union Stewards in training could attend grievance meetings as observers so long as they had supervisor approval and notified human resources.

Article 42 – Union Activities, Rights and Stewards
The Employer proposed new language that Union stewards could visit unit employees and would notify local management prior to their visit. Said visit would also not interrupt normal operations.
The Employer proposed including notification of new steward training participation in meetings to be in agreement with the new language proposed in Article 36 – Correction Action/Dismissal.
The Employer proposed that, whenever possible, the Employer would provide a private space for employees to meet with their steward and/or union representatives when that employee is also required to meet with management.
The Employer proposed new language with regards to union information requests. This new language would limit the scope of the request and clearly identify the ask.

Article 44 – Classifications and Reclassifications
The Employer proposed to reduce the notification window prior to implementation from 45 days to 30 days. Additionally, the Employer proposed that if an employee is in a position reallocated to a class with a lower salary range maximum, they would be placed on a step closest to, but not less than, the current rate of pay. If that rate of pay is above the max auto step, the employee’s salary would be y-rated until the new range catches up. In this situation, the position start date would remain unchanged.

Article 59 – Drug Testing
The Employer proposed striking most of this article and instead referenced that drug testing would be conducted in accordance with the UW Medicine Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing Policy.

Article 60 – Nonpermanent and Intermittent Employees
The Employer proposed including language that would make it clear about which parts of Article 45, and in which circumstances, would apply to nonpermanent and intermittent employees.

Article 61 – Diversity and Inclusion
The Employer proposed removing language that referenced past actions. Additionally, the Employer proposed that the council workgroup would attend at least one all-day workshop every twelve months. Additional training opportunities could be added with mutual agreement of the council workgroup and approval from the CEO.

Appendix VI – Contracting Out Form
The Employer proposed language intended to streamline the use of the Contracting Out Form. This language would include Seattle Main Campus Facilities, Housing & Food Services, and Intercollegiate Athletics.

MOU – Trades Apprenticeship Program
In response to the Union’s proposal, the Employer reasserted current contract language and rejected the Union’s proposed New Article XX – Trades Apprentice Program. The Employer also proposed housekeeping edits to this provision.

New MOU – Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship Program
The Employer proposed a new MOU to create an apprenticeship program for automotive mechanics. This new MOU details the details of this program and would be based on L&I approval.

New Appendix X – Bargaining Units Represented by WFSE
The Employer proposed including the bargaining unit definitions in the agreement as defined by PERC.

On the following provisions, the Employer proposed to maintain current contract language:

  • Article 3 – Non-Discrimination
  • Article 11 – Training and Professional Development
  • Article 12 – Licensure and Certification
  • Article 16 – Holidays
  • Article 26 – Civil Duty Time Off and Bereavement Time Off
  • Article 40 – Mandatory Subject
  • Article 43 – Joint Union/Management Committees
  • Article 47 – Contracting
  • Article 55 – Contract Publication
  • Side Letter B – Public Transportation Delays
  • Side Letter E – HMC Hospital Security Officers Compensatory Time

The Employer proposed housekeeping edits only on the following provisions:

  • Article 28 – Inclement Weather and Suspended Operations
  • Article 30 Work Related Injury Leave

WFSE Counter Proposals

Article 30 – Work Related Injury Leave
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union maintained their initial proposal on June 18.

New Article Trades Apprenticeship Program
In response to the Employer’s proposals on the New MOU – Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship Program and MOU – Trades Apprenticeship Program, the Union maintains their previous proposal from June 18. Additionally, the Union rejected both of the aforementioned MOUs.

New MOU – Bargaining Units Represented by WFSE
In response to the Employer’s proposal, the Union proposed adding in PERC case numbers and decision numbers as well as making housekeeping edits to the provision.

Next Steps
The next WFSE and UW bargaining session is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2024 and will be held virtually.