Labor Relations

SEIU 1199 – UW (Northwest) Bargaining Update


This update details the current status of all proposals made between June 9 and July 22 for the for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the UW and Service Employees International Union 1199NW for UW Medical Center – Northwest (UWMC-NW). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties tentatively agreed on the following provisions:

Article 1 – Recognition

  • Updated pre-integration article to clarify that the Union represents public employees at the University of Washington.

Article 5 – Employment Practices

  • Added language stating that a written resignation may be withdrawn in writing within 24 hours after submitting the resignation. After 24 hours an employee may withdraw a resignation with Employer approval.
  • Trial Service Period increased from six weeks to six months. An employee may voluntarily revert to their former permanent position within six weeks of the appointment, provided that the position has not been filled or a written offer has not been made to an applicant. After six weeks employees may revert to their former position with Employer approval.

Article 10 – Holiday

  • Added Juneteenth (June 19) as a paid holiday.

Article 13 – Medical and Insurance Benefits

  • Incorporated the agreement reached at the state level healthcare Coalition bargaining.

Article 20 – Committees

  • Added language stating that Joint Labor/Management (JLM) Committees could meet more or less frequently as mutually agreed upon between the parties, but the Committee would schedule on a predetermined basis a 60-minute meeting every other month.
  • Updated article to state the Committee meeting includes 30 minutes for caucus pre-meet time.
  • Added language stating Committee times are not to be construed as work time for purposes of calculating overtime and no overtime shall be claimed or paid for meeting attendance.

Article 23 – Grievance Procedure

  • Aligned grievance procedure with that of analogous employees at UWMC-Montlake. The most significant difference concerns adding a step for mediation, which either party may request. The alignment will allow more time to move to Step Two, respond to Step Two, and move to arbitration than allowed by the timeline in current language.

Article 27 – Training and Upgrading Fund

  • The parties agreed to incorporate language for both the Professional/Technical bargaining unit and the Service and Maintenance bargaining unit into a single article.

Article 29 – Duration

  • Updated language states that this contract will be effective July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.

New Article – Non-Discrimination

  • New article aligns with UW policy and state law outlining identities protected from discrimination.

New Article – Salary Overpayment and Recovery

  • New article outlines the process followed when the Employer has determined that an employee has been overpaid wages.

MOU – Negotiations for the 2023-2025 Agreement

  • New MOU applies Ground Rules for the 2021 – 2023 agreement to negotiations for the successor agreement.
  • The parties agreed to increase the number of bargaining unit members offered paid release from 14 to 15.

The parties tentatively agreed to housekeeping changes only on the following provisions:

  • Article 12 – Sick Leave
  • Article 14 – Leaves
  • Article 15 – Family Medical Leave Act and Parental Leave
  • Article 18 – Civil/Jury Duty Leave and Bereavement Leave
  • Article 19 – Unpaid Holidays for a Reason of Faith or Conscience

The parties tentatively agreed to current contract language on the following provisions:

  • Article 3 – Union Representatives
  • Article 16 – Washington Family Medical Leave Program
  • Article 17 – Shared Leave
  • Article 21 – Health and Safety Committee
  • Article 22 – Staff Development
  • Article 24 – Management Responsibilities
  • Article 25 – Subcontracting, Sale or Transfer
  • Article 26 – Uninterrupted Patient Care
  • Article 28 – General Provisions
  • Appendix C – 9-Hour Work Schedule
  • Appendix D – 10-Hour Work Schedule
  • Appendix E – 12-Hour Work Schedule
  • Appendix F – Less Than 8-Hour Work Schedule
  • Appendix G – Job Series
  • Letter of Understanding – Joint Labor/Management Committee
  • MOA – Election Agreement
  • Side Letter – U-PASS

Union Proposals

Wages – The Union maintained its proposal to increase wages across-the-board by 5% on July 1, 2021, but in response to the Employer, the Union proposed that in the second year of the contract, wages would increase another 4% (rather than the 5% originally proposed).

Pay Increases – The Union maintained its initial proposal to increase wages for all classifications in the Service and Maintenance bargaining unit. In response to the Employer, the Union decreased by 1% all of its proposals to increase wages for classifications in the Professional/Technical bargaining unit. The Union’s initial proposal can be found here.

Premiums – In response to the Employer, the Union decreased its proposal for a float premium from $3.75 to $2.50. The Union maintained its initial proposals for Standby, Certification, and Modality Pay. For remaining premiums, the Union proposed the premiums from its initial proposals would not go into effect until the second year of the contract. For the first year of the contract, it proposed to increase the premiums by smaller amounts, as follows:

Second Shift Differential:

    • Year 1: $2.00/hr (from $1.35 for Service and Maintenance and $1.75 for Professional/Technical)
    • Year 2: $2.50/hr

Third Shift Differential:

    • Year 1: to $3.25/hr (from $2.00 in Service and Maintenance and $2.50 in Professional/Technical)
    • Year 2: $4.00/hr

Weekend Premium:

    • Year 1: $3.25/hr (from $1.25 for Service and Maintenance and $2.25 for Professional/Technical)
    • Year 2: $4.00/hr

Preceptor Premium:

    • Year 1: $1.50/hr (from $1.00 for anyone who works as a preceptor)
    • Year 2: $2.00/hr

Clinic Floating – In response to the Employer, the Union modified its proposal around tiered compensation for clinics floating. Under this new counter, an employee floated to a clinic located in the same campus building would receive $2.50 for all hours floated (rather than the initial proposal of $3.75). An employee floated to a clinic requiring them to utilize transportation would receive $4.00 for all hours floated. The Union withdrew its proposal for an additional tier of $8.00 compensation per hour for employees floated to areas outside of their region, proposing instead that employees would not be floated to a clinic farther than five miles from their own clinic. The Union additionally proposed to add language specifying that employees would be floated by first seeking volunteers on a rotational basis.

COVID Relief and Recovery – In response to the Employer’s opinion that the Employer cannot provide healthcare funding that hasn’t been agreed to by the state of Washington, the Union withdrew its proposal that the Employer would reimburse up to $1,000 annually per employee for behavioral health or mental health services. The Union also reduced its proposal for COVID-19 Relief time off hours every quarter from twenty-four to twelve hours for each employee. They also reduced the length of time employees would receive this time off. The original proposal was that they would receive it through June 30, 2023; the Union’s current proposal that employees would receive it through June 30, 2022. The Union otherwise maintained its proposal regarding COVID relief and recovery.

Reducing Call and Standby Hours – In response to the Employer, the Union modified the staffing triggers that would require the creation of an FTE to reduce the number of standby shifts. Under this counter-proposal, a new FTE would be created in circumstances in which 75% or more of scheduled standby shifts required callback (rather than 50%), and/or circumstances in which employees are scheduled for more than 120 hours of standby in a month (rather than 96). The Union maintained its proposals for call rooms and rest between shifts.

Employer Proposals – Wages

Wages – The Employer originally proposed a 1% across-the-board wage increase in 2021 and another 1% in 2022. In response to the Union, the Employer proposed a 2% across-the-board wage increase in 2021, and maintained its proposal for 1% in 2022.

Pay Range Increases – The Employer has proposed pay range increases for a number of job classifications, which result in different increases for different employees depending on where they are on the pay scale. Some of these proposals include consolidation of classifications or new pay tables in efforts to align UWMC-NW more closely with the overall classification system at University of Washington post integration of Northwest Hospital. For the sake of clarity, this update provides a list of the average effect all proposed pay range increases would have on the employees in that classification. Below this list, the individual proposals are summarized in more detail, so that the specific ways classifications may be affected as well as minimum increases are clear.

  • Anesthesia Tech: 12% average employee increase
  • Anesthesia Tech Sr: 5.2% average employee increase
  • Cardiovascular Tech: 5.8% average employee increase
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer: 6.9% average employee increase
  • Dietitian Reg: 1.2% average employee increase
  • Echo and Vasc Tech Lead: 7.2% average employee increase
  • Echocardiographer: 7.1% average employee increase
  • Housekeeper I: 3.9% average employee increase
  • Imaging Tech – CT: 6.0% average employee increase
  • Imaging Tech – Lead: 6.6% average employee increase
  • Imaging Tech – Mammo: 10.3% average employee increase
  • Imaging Tech – MRI: 6.1% average employee increase
  • Imaging Technologist: 6.7% average employee increase
  • Instrument Tech: 4.0% average employee increase
  • Instrument Tech Lead: 4.0% average employee increase
  • Interventional Tech: 5.5% average employee increase
  • Medical Assistant – Cert: 4.5% average employee increase
  • Medical Assistant – Cert Lead: 2.9% average employee increase
  • Medical Assistant – Reg: 4.0% average employee increase
  • Nuclear Med Technologist 1: 4.3% average employee increase
  • Operating Room Tech Cert: 4.2% average employee increase
  • OSC Resource Coord: 4.0% average employee increase
  • Pharmacy Purchasing Technician: 3.5% average employee increase
  • Pharmacy Technician: 4.4% average employee increase
  • Pharmacy Technician Lead: 4.9% average employee increase
  • Radiology Tech Lead: 5.5% average employee increase
  • Respiratory Therapist Reg: 4.0% average employee increase
  • Social Worker, Sr: 1.7% average employee increase
  • Spec Mammo & Brst US Tech: 9.3% average employee increase
  • Surg Svcs Resource Tech: 3.9% average employee increase

Below are summaries of each proposal in more detail; these summaries include classifications in which there are no employees, which are not listed above.

Anesthesia Tech Recruitment and Retention (R&R) Increases The Employer proposed to consolidate the job classifications Anesthesia Tech and Senior Anesthesia Tech into one classification titled Senior Anesthesia Tech. The Employer additionally proposed that all regular employees in these job codes, as well as employees in the Anesthesia Tech Lead job code, would be placed on a step that provides at least 3% increase, not to exceed top step.

Cardiovascular Tech Consolidation – The Employer proposed to consolidate the job classifications Cardiac Peripheral Tech and Cardiovascular Tech into one classification titled Cardiac Peripheral Tech, and that afterwards, all regular employees in the Cardiovascular Tech classification would be placed on a step that provides at least 3% increase, not to exceed top step.

Dietitian Pay Table – The Employer proposed that Dietitians would be placed on a new pay table that has a top auto-step 4.4% higher than their current pay table. All regular Dietitian employees would be placed at a step on the new pay table and pay range at value that is equal to or greater than their salary on the effective date.

Housekeeper Consolidation The Employer proposed that the job classifications Housekeeper I and Housekeeper II would be consolidated into one classification titled Custodian, and that the job classification Housekeeper Lead would be renamed Custodian Lead. The Employer proposed that all regular employees in the Housekeeper 1 classification would be placed into their new pay table at a step that provides at least 3% increase, not to exceed top step.

Instrument Tech R&R Increases The Employer proposed that the job classifications Instrument Tech and Instrument Tech Lead would each be moved to a pay range that is 4% higher than their current pay range.

MA R&R Increases – The Employer proposed that both the job classification Medical Assistant-Certified and the job classification Medical Assistant-Registered would be moved to a pay range that would represent an average 4% increase. The Employer also proposed that the job classification Medical Assistant-Certified Lead would be moved to a pay range that would represent an average 4% increase.

OR Cert Tech Market Increase – The Employer proposed that the job classification Operating Room Tech Cert would be moved to a pay range that would represent an average 4.2% increase, and that the job classification Surgical Services Resource Tech would be moved to a pay range that would represent an average 3.9% increase. Additionally, the job classification OSC Resource Coordinator would be increased by 4%.

Professional Technical R&R Increases – The Employer proposed that all regular employees in the Imaging Technologist – Mammo, Spec Mammo & Brst US Tech, and Spec Mammography Tech classifications would be placed on a new pay table at a step that provides at least 8% increase, not to exceed top step. The following classifications would be placed on the same table at a step that provides at least 3% increase, not to exceed top step: Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Lead; Echo and Vas Tech and Lead; Echocardiographer; Imaging Technologist and Trainee; Interventional Tech; Imagining Technologist-COMP TOMO, MAG RES Imagining, and Lead; Nuclear Med Technologist 1; and Radiology Tech Lead.

Pharmacy Technicians Increase – The Employer proposed a recruitment and retention increase for regular employees in the job classifications of Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Purchasing Technician, and Pharmacy Technician Lead. These employees would be placed at a step on a new pay table and pay range at value that is a minimum of a 3% increase from their salary on the effective date.

Social Workers Increases – The Employer proposed to consolidate the job classification Geropsych Senior Social Worker and Social Worker, Senior into one job classification titled Social Worker, Senior, and that afterwards, all regular employees in the Social Worker, Senior job classification would be placed at a step on a new pay table and pay range at value that is equal to or greater than their salary on the effective date. 

Respiratory Therapist R&R Increase – The Employer proposed that employees in the job classification Respiratory Therapist Reg would be placed at a step on a new pay range at value that is a minimum of a 3% increase from their salary on the effective date.  

Therapeutic Rec Specialist Certified Market Increase The Employer proposed that the job classification Therapeutic Recreation Specialist-Certified would be moved to a new pay range that would be 1% higher than their current range.

Employer Proposals – Other Pay Provisions

Recruitment and Retention – The Employer proposed that the salary of classifications that are experiencing recruitment/retention problems could be increased upon 30 days’ notice to the Union and the opportunity for the Union to bargain.

Recognition for Past Experience – The Employer proposed to outline language specifically stating how experience would be compensated year for year upon hire. Instead, the Employer proposed that all employees hired on or after July 1st 2021, would be given year per year credit for relevant past work experience in an equivalent role, as determined by the Employer.

Standby Premium – The Employer proposed a second tier premium for employees who work additional standby hours. Under this proposal, employees would receive the current premium of $4.00 for the first 30 hours of standby they work, but for all hours of standby after that, they would receive a premium of $6.00.

Preceptor Premium – The Employer proposed to increase the preceptor premium from $1.00 to $1.50 for each hour an employee precepts.

Pharmacist Third Shift – The Employer proposed to increase the shift differential for third shifts for pharmacists from $3.25 to $4.00.

Incentive Shifts – The Employer proposed that incentive shifts, paying an additional $10.00 per hour, could be posted for any classification. The determination of critical staffing needs and the incentive shift would be at the sole discretion of the Employer, who would post the shifts in advance when possible. Staff working at regular pay rate would have priority over overtime shifts. In order to receive the incentive premium, the staff member would have to work all scheduled shifts during that pay period.

Modality Pay Premium – The Employer proposed to create a Modality Pay Premium applicable to the following job classifications: Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Lead; Imaging Technologist and Trainee; Interventional Tech; Imagining Technologist-COMP TOMO, MAG RES Imagining, MAMMO, and Lead; Nuclear Med Technologist 1; Radiology Tech Lead; Spec Mammo & Brst US Tech; and Spec Mammography Tech. The premium would be paid as follows:

  • Modality 1 – $1.25/hour for staff actively participating in a new training program for a new modality.
  • Modality 2 – $1.50/hour for staff assigned to conduct examinations/studies in a modality other than that described in the current classification of the position.
  • Modality 3 – $1.75/hour for staff assigned as a preceptor to other staff.

Float Between Campuses – In response to the Union, the Employer modified its proposal for mandatory floating between UWMC-Montlake and UWMC-NW. The counter-proposal states that floating would be voluntary and includes language outlining resources available to orient floating employees. The Employer maintained its proposal of $4.00 per hour as a premium for between-campus floating, but in response to the Union, modified its proposal to state that the premium would apply to nurses already receiving a premium for being in the float team. The counter also included language stating that floated employees would be reimbursed for travel per UW policy. This proposal applies to anyone at UWMC-NW or its associated clinics floating to UWMC-Montlake or any of its associated clinics; it does not apply to employees who are floated between one UWMC-NW clinic and another UWMC-NW clinic. UW Neighborhood Clinics are not covered by this proposal.

Employer Proposals – Other

Weekends – The Employer proposed that any employee who works more than five weekend shifts within a four-week schedule block would be paid at the rate of time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all actual weekend hours worked after five shifts within the scheduled block. This proposal would replace language stating that the weekend premium would be paid on the second weekend in the event an employee works two successive weekends, as what constitutes “weekend” is not clearly defined by current contract language. Under this proposal, standby shifts, hours worked on standby, and time spent on paid time off (sick time off, vacation time off, compensatory time off), would not count as a weekend shift worked.

Multi-Campus Voluntary Standby – The Employer proposed to create a multi-campus voluntary standby (call) pool by classification.  If applicable, the pool could include employees/members from different bargaining units and/or represented by different Unions.  The classifications utilized for the voluntary standby (call) pool would be determined by the Employer.  The Employer would develop a process for employees to sign up for the voluntary standby (call) pool for their classification, and employees could remove their name from the voluntary pool at any time.  The Employer would utilize the voluntary standby (call) pool to fill standby shifts and/or to call employees into work at Harborview, UWMC-Montlake, or UWMC-Northwest as necessary.  Regardless of where the employee is called to work, the employee’s compensation would be based on the terms and conditions described in their home collective bargaining agreement. 

Development of a Floating Tool – The Employer proposed a new MOU in which the parties would agree to request facilitated mediation from the state of Washington’s Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) within 90 days of ratification to develop a tiered floating tool. This tool would create an equitable and effective method of responding to changes in staffing needs across all three hospitals: UW Medical Center – Montlake, UW Medical Center – Northwest, and Harborview Medical Center. The parties would commit to meeting at least monthly with the facilitator/mediator, for up to 12 months, to fully discuss and work together to develop a process. Up to four bargaining unit members at UMWC-NW would be provided paid time to attend each session. The goals would be to address census fluctuations while supporting a healthy work environment for staff, to increase recruitment and retention through growth opportunities, and to ensure quality patient care.

Apprenticeship Programs – In response to the Union’s proposal that any apprenticeship program would be implemented through the Healthcare Apprenticeship Consortium administered by the SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multiemployer Training Fund, the Employer proposed a pilot program. Under this counter-proposal, the Employer would use the Healthcare Apprenticeship Consortium administered by the SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multiemployer Training Fund for one Medical Assistant (MA) cohort at UWMC-Northwest during the next two years. The Mentor/Coach Premium Rate for the program would be $1.50/hour.

Fixed Duration Appointment – The Employer proposed to add a definition for Fixed Duration Appointments that could be made for regularly scheduled non-permanent appointments intended to be no more than 12 consecutive months.  Individuals hired under this section would receive written notification of the maximum length of the appointment and the eligibility for benefits.  Conclusion of the appointment would be at the discretion of the Employer, including termination of appointments prior to its originally intended expiration date, and would not be subject to layoff or grievance procedures in the CBA.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) – In response to the Union’s proposal for an Organization Equity and Inclusion JLM, the Employer proposed that the Union could appoint two employee members to serve on the existing UWMC EDI Committee.

Seniority – The Employer proposed that time spent on leave without pay would not impact seniority.

Reclassification – The Employer proposed language outlining the current practice for reclassification. The language states the policy, position review process, and the process for appeal of the position review, which includes selection of a hearing officer and the hearing process.

Vacation Requests – In response to the Union’s proposal to create a process around vacation request denials, the Employer proposed if an employee’s request for vacation leave is denied, the Employer, upon request, would have to provide the reason for denying vacation leave electronically or in writing.

Union Dues – The Employer proposed that the employee lists of authorizations for deductions of dues the union submits to the Employer would be transmitted via a web based electronic reporting system.

Temporary Employment with the Union – In response to the Union’s proposal to create a new position of contract specialist that would be paid for by the Employer but supervised by the Union, the Employer proposed language from the Harborview/Airlift Northwest SEIU 1199 CBA regarding temporary employment with the Union. The language states employees may request leave without pay to accept temporary employment with the Union. For leaves of up to 12 weeks, employees would be guaranteed a return to their previous position; for leaves over 12 weeks, employees would return to a position in the same job classification and geographical area.

Next Steps

The next UW and SEIU 1199 bargaining session for the UWMC-NW CBA is scheduled for July 30 and will be held virtually.