Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Sample workplace transition plan – employee’s manager

There is no single formula for managing transitions in the workplace. It is important to work closely with your employee and to follow their lead. Ask your unit’s Human Resources Consultant to be involved in the process and share with your employee the specific support the HR consultant can offer (such as medical leave information). Additional support resources may be helpful in executing your employee’s plan including your departmental HR administrator, our on-campus Queer (Q) Faculty, Staff, and Allies Affinity Group, and the Q Center.

As you develop the plan, understand that controlling the flow of information is very important in managing the transition process; confidentiality is a primary concern.

Step 1: Determine together who should be informed of the change:

  • Employees/co-workers
  • Leadership team
  • External/internal customers

Step 2: Create a timeline together, considering:

  • Target date of the employee’s “official” at-work change
  • Timing of administrative process in name changes, directory updates, records update
  • Possible leave needs as determined by employee and their health care provider

Step 3: Discuss these considerations:

  • How would they like their team/clients to be informed? e.g. tell people individually, team meeting, written communication from employee and manager or local HR etc.
  • What workspace changes need to be made? E.g. name plates, floor directories, team photos?

Step 4: Attend to the details

  • Check in with employee about system name changes and assist them with dealing with any problems, challenges with UW NetID, Workday or other systems.
  • Create your own plan for the day that the employee will officially present their gender change to the workgroup.
  • For the first day of the employee’s official gender change, you should ensure that all elements are in place – in the same way as for a new hire or transfer employee, including employee records, name updates, and all identifying indications in the workplace.

Additional manager responsibilities:

  • Offer ongoing support to employee with whatever bumps they may encounter in implementing their transition at the UW.
  • Consider the best way for you to state and demonstrate the University’s and your own support for your employee. E.g. include your own written communication, mention name and pronoun changes and the expectation of respect in a team meeting, involve senior leadership if appropriate.
  • Consider how to review, present and emphasize relevant non-discrimination policies.
  • If needed, consider possible ways to provide education and training to your team.