Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

UW Staff Demographic Baseline Report

The UW Staff Demographic Baseline Report focuses on data points for select staff employment categories and includes contextual information about each unique data set. As we continue to track this data year over year, we anticipate being able to track trends, discover gaps, and highlight opportunities for enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion within our employee populations.

The 2020 baseline report presents aggregate data reflecting the staff population as of November 9, 2020, and terminations and hires from July 2019 through June 2020. The 2021 report presents aggregate data reflecting the staff population as of October 31, 2021, terminations and hires from July 2020 through June 2021, and retrospective applicant and candidate data from July 2020 through June 2021. The 2022 report presents aggregate data reflecting the staff population as of October 31, 2022, terminations and hires from July 2021 through June 2022, and retrospective applicant and candidate data from July 2021 through June 2022. The 2022 report also presents data on internal moves or job changes at the UW from July 2021 through June 2022.

Questions about the baseline reports? Email uwhrdei@uw.edu.

View the 2022 report View the 2021 report View the 2020 report

Frequently asked questions

Why is this called baseline data and what is UWHR’s intentions for producing this report?
We intend to build upon this effort and use this foundational data to track trends within our populations.

What is the difference between “did not provide data” and “declined to disclose”?
“Declined to disclose” suggests that the employee was given (or made) the choice to opt out of including their ethnicity or race information in Workday. “Did not provide data” suggests the employee didn’t indicate their ethnicity in Workday.

Why do we include sex with binary options rather than gender in our data?
The UW collects binary sex data for healthcare and federal reporting purposes and therefore that is what is available for this report. UWHR is working in partnership with other UW offices to collect and eventually may be able to report on gender data. That work is early in development and will continue to evolve.

Will more information be added about union affiliation?
We hope to include more information related to the unions in the future.

Is my unit-level or org-level report available?
UWHR released org-level reports to multiple organizational leaders in 2021, and we look forward to fulfilling additional requests and meeting with more leaders in 2022. Deans and Vice President/Vice Provosts or their delegates may reach out directly to uwhrdei@uw.edu to request report discussions with our workforce analyst. Unit-level data isn’t available.

Where can I find more information about the University’s plans to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in response to this baseline data report?
Action plans and next steps will follow. Please see the additional resources included in the Report Overview section.

How does the UW compare to local/state/national demographics?
Local data about race and ethnicity is referenced in the Race & Ethnicity Across Data Sets section of the report. You can find additional national and regional census data online.

Who may access this baseline report?
This information is publicly available on UWHR website.

Why don’t the numbers in some of the tables and charts total to exactly 100%?
Due to percentages in tables and charts being presented to only the tenth place, some totals may appear to sum to slightly more or less than one-hundred percent. This is simply the result of numbers being rounded to the tenth place.