Work disruption planning for UW vs. Stanford Friday, September 30
Kickoff will be at 6 p.m. for the UW/Stanford football game on September 30, but the vast majority of the 70,000+ football fans will be arriving on campus in the early afternoon.The following policy information that will help you develop staffing plans for that day.
Transportation Services is strongly encouraging individuals with parking permits to take public transportation or carpool on game day since a number of campus parking lots will be closed and the remainder will be very congested. As those who already commute by transit know, University District buses can be quite congested during rush hour. On Sept. 30, we expect them to be even more so. This may mean that employees may arrive late or experience delays in getting home.
In an effort not to overtax public transportation during peak hours, where possible, organizations are strongly encouraged to allow for or implement telecommuting, flex scheduling, and/or shift changes to limit the number of employees who must come to campus during peak travel hours on September. 30. While employees may be allowed to use available paid leave, please remember the University cannot grant paid time off for those who have none accrued.
Refer to our webpage on Work Disruptions Planning for a description of which options apply to each employment program and any required notification steps. Please contact your organization’s HR consultant if you have questions about leave use, establishing temporary telework arrangements, or for assistance in developing your organization’s staffing plan for September 30.