Service Employees International Union 1199 – UW Medical Center Northwest and UW Medicine Primary Care Clinics
University of Washington employees working at Northwest Hospital and Primary Care Clinics, including professional technical staff and service and maintenance, are represented by SEIU Healthcare 1199NW.
Fill out a membership card for SEIU 1199.
Current contract
The current contracts between UW and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW can be found here. Additional Memoranda of Understanding and other agreements bargained mid-contract can be accessed on the Mid-cycle MOUs page.
Negotiation updates
News and updates on the latest UW-SEIU 1199 contract negotiations can be accessed on the Negotiation Updates page.
RCW 43.88.583 Summary
2023-2025 SEIU 1199 UWMC-NW CBA (with RCW 43.88.583 Summary)*
*This summary was drafted upon ratification, so please consult the current contract for the most up to date contract version.
Previous contracts
2021-2023 contract
SEIU 1199NW and UWMC-Northwest: Service and Maintenance 2020 – 2021 Agreement
SEIU 1199NW and UWMC-Northwest: Professional/Technical 2020 – 2021 Agreement
*This summary was drafted upon ratification, so please consult the current contract for the most up to date contract version.