Labor Relations

Overview of package offered to UAW RSEs in advance of strike

At the 33rd virtual session between the University of Washington (UW) and United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4121 for the first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for Research Scientist Engineers (RSEs), UAW rejected the UW’s last-best-and-final proposal and instead moved forward strike plans. Both parties were joined by Public Employment Relations Commission mediator Chris Casillas.

Previous recaps are published on the UW Labor Relations website.


  • August 2022 – May 2023: Successfully reached 48 tentative agreements on the inaugural contract for the RSEs:
Access to bridge fundingIncreased transparency and information around grant funding
Grievance rightsJoint labor management committees
Employee initiated position/promotion reviewsJust cause protections
Equity surveySeniority, layoff and rehire rights
Expanded PI eligibility opportunitiesUnion rights
Union security clause
  • June 6, 2023: Bargaining started at 10 am and continued late into this evening. The university presented its last-best-and-final proposals to the United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4121. The Union rejected the proposal and walked away from the table.
  • June 7, 2023: The Union began a strike at 5:00 am.

While the University and the union have been able to come to agreement on many issues important to the RSEs and to the University, there are four issues in which we have made progress but are not yet in agreement.

Employer proposalUnion proposalKey difference
OverviewAdds an additional $38.6 million dollars to wages AND provides an approximate 28% increase in the salary minimum for all RSE classifications over the 3-year agreementAdds an additional $41.9 million dollars to wages AND provides an approximate 28% increase in the salary minimum for all RSE classifications over the 3-year agreement

$3.3 million in wages; no difference in salary minimums
Across-the-board salary increases• Effective 9/1/23, 4% across-the-board increase
• Effective 9/1/24, 3% across-the-board increase
• Effective 9/1/25, 3% across-the-board increase
• Effective 9/1/23, 4% across-the-board increase
• Effective 9/1/24, 4% across-the-board increase
• Effective 9/1/25, 4% across-the-board increase
1% difference in years 2 and 3 of the contract
In-grade salary adjustmentsThe Employer, at its discretion, may approve in-grade salary increases for any employee in the bargaining unit at any time, for the following reasons: a change in level of duties and responsibilities, meritorious performance with increased level of functioning, market competitiveness or retention, employment offer or active recruitment from outside of the University, or internal equity.Agrees with Employers proposalNo difference
Increases to salary range minimum (Applies to: Research Scientist/Engineer Assistant, Research Scientist/Engineer Assistant APL Classifications, Research Scientist/Engineer 1, and Research Scientist/Engineer 1 APL Classifications)• 6% increase effective 9/1/23
• 10% increase effective 9/1/24
• 10% increase effective 9/1/25
Agrees with Employers proposalNo difference
Increases to salary range minimum (Applies to: Research Scientist/Engineer 2, Research Scientist/Engineer 2 APL Classifications, Research Scientist/Engineer 3, and Research Scientist/Engineer 3 APL Classifications, Research Scientist/Engineer 4, and Research Scientist/Engineer 4 APL Classifications)• 4% increase effective 9/1/23
• 11% increase effective 9/1/24
• 11% increase effective 9/1/25
Agrees with Employers proposalNo difference
One-time salary adjustmentAn additional one-time salary increase of 3.25% to employees who:
1) Were hired into this bargaining unit prior to April 1, 2022, AND
2) Received no permanent salary increase throughout the entire period of 4/1/22 – 8/31/23
Agrees with Employers proposalNo difference


Employer proposalUnion proposalKey difference
Three-year contractUpon ratification – 4/30/26Similar, with an approximate three month difference depending on ratification date


Employer proposalUnion proposalKey difference
Rejects the idea of a special fund as RSEs have the same access to childcare services through UW Worklife as all other employeesResearch Scientist childcare fund of $90,000 per year of the agreement$90,000


EPIC Program
Employer proposalUnion proposalKey difference
EPIC training, available to ASEs and Postdocs, would be made available to RSEs. Training would be held jointly for all three groups, and the Employer would provide .2 FTE assignments for up to four trainers per calendar year that may be filled by either Postdoctoral Scholars or RSEs and the trainers may train both Postdoctoral Scholars and RSEsThe Union is proposing that in addition to the .6 FTE allocated for Postdoctoral Scholar EPIC Trainers, the Employer provide additional .4 FTE appointment/assignments for RSE trainers per calendar year. This combined 1.0 FTE may be used to hire Postdoctoral Scholar or RSE trainers.2 FTE dedicated to EPIC training