Labor Relations

UW & UAW Postdocs Negotiations Recap for February 26, February 27, and February 28, 2025


This recap details the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth sessions of the negotiation for the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW Postdocs. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

The parties agreed to extend the current collective bargaining agreement expiration date from February 28, 2025 to March 7, 2025.


Tentative Agreements

MOU – Immigration Status and Visas

New contract language was added that in addition to the J-1 SEVIS I-901 fee and the OPT I-765 filing fee, the Principal Investigators/Departments may cover the cost of the H-4/TD I-539 filing fee and/or the cost of insurance plans required to maintain visa status (typically around $2000 per year). The amount and decision to cover additional visa related fees and costs is at the discretion of the PI/department, is dependent upon available funding and must follow department procedures for reimbursement or payment. The University will not unreasonably deny requests for vacation time off for the purpose of attending appointments, hearings, and/or proceedings related to immigration or citizenship status of the Postdoctoral Scholar or their spouse, registered domestic partner, child or parent scheduled by federal immigration officials or the U.S. Department of State. If the University is not able to continue to lawfully employ a Postdoctoral Scholar as a result of the Postdoctoral Scholar’s immigration status, upon request, the University agrees to meet with the Postdoctoral Scholar and the Union to discuss possible re-employment scenarios. If possible and upon request, the department will hold open the Postdoctoral Scholar position for up to 30 calendar days. The hiring unit may choose to sponsor the visa for the maximum period allowed by both UW appointment eligibility limitations, including the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, and U.S. immigration law.


MOU – Postdoctoral Scholar Paid Direct

New language was added such that Postdoctoral Scholar Paid Direct’s will receive a stipend of five hundred dollars ($500) per month from the University. Individuals receiving more than or equal to $74,460 ($68,460 current Postdoctoral Scholar minimum plus this $500 stipend calculated on an annual basis) from their non-UW entity/funding source are not eligible for this stipend. Individuals receiving more than $68,460 but less than $74,460 from their non-UW entity/funding source will receive the difference between these amounts, distributed as their monthly stipend per this MOU. For example, an individual receiving $70,000 would receive a $372 stipend (($74,460 – 70,000))/12) per month from the University.


Next Steps

The next UW & UAW Postdocs bargaining session is scheduled for March 5, 2025 and will be held virtually.