Labor Relations

UW – SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for June 4 and June 11, 2024

This recap details the first and second virtual sessions for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the UW and SEIU 925.

During these initial bargaining sessions, both parties gave introductions, discussed ground rules, and the Union presented their priorities for this contract, which include the following:

  • Fair Pay & Career Standards
  • Responsible Use of Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Employee Safety & Support
  • Committing to DEI & Racial Justice

Following their presentation, the Union presented some of their initial proposals, including Article 4, Article 40, and Article 41.

Union Initial Proposals

Article 4 – Workplace Behavior – The Union proposed new language stating that perceptions of “appropriate” behavior could be racialized and gendered or characterized by other prescriptive stereotype-based biases, and that the values of equity and diversity should inform all conversations, decisions and outcomes related to this article. The Union proposed expanding upon existing language defining bullying in the workplace and clarifying its disruptive impact. The Union also proposed adding language that defines other resources and processes available for resolving workplace behavior complaints.

Article 40 – Mandatory Subject – The Union proposed clarifying language with respect to changes to mandatory subjects of bargaining, stating that practices which have a bearing upon the quality of working conditions shall not be modified and or eliminated without providing notice to the Union and an opportunity to bargain. The Union also proposed extending the amount of time that the Union has to request discussions and/or negotiations in response to the Employer notifying the Union of changes to working conditions from 30 days to 60 days. The Union proposed removing language that requires the Union to pay for travel or per diem of employee representatives and that employee representatives may not use a state vehicle to travel to and from a bargaining session, unless authorized by the Employer for business purposes.

Article 41 – New Employees – The Union proposed that employees working within a 50-mile radius of the UW Seattle campus would be encouraged to attend new employee orientation in-person and that online orientations be offered to employees in locations or positions that can’t attend in person. The proposal outlined additional details relating to the Union presentation at New Employee Orientation, and proposed extending the amount of time a Union representative is allowed to be with a new employee during NEO from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The proposal further stated that, if applicable, member presenters would be released for up to 1 hour for online orientation and up to 2 hours for in-person orientation, depending on distance traveled. The Union also proposed adding new language that would require the Employer to provide the Union with a list of all employees scheduled for orientation and that the list would include various pieces of employee information by the end of the week prior to each new employee orientation. Finally, the Union proposed adding new language that would allow the Union to conduct its orientation virtually, and that the Employer would be required to notify new employees of the 1-hour Union orientation within the first week of employment during regular work hours. Under this proposal, employees who miss the opportunity to attend in the first week would be encouraged to attend the 1-hour Union orientation during regular work hours in a subsequent week.

Next Steps

The next UW and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for July 9, 2024 and will be held virtually.