UW & UAW ASE Negotiations Recap for April 30, 2024
This recap details the fourteenth session for the negotiation for the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW ASEs. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
UW Counter Proposals
UW package proposal:
The Employer presented a comprehensive package that covered all of the outstanding articles and MOUs. As part of the package the Employer presented a counter on MOU- Immigration Status and Work Authorization.
Article 33- Wages
The Employer reasserted their compensation proposal from April 29, 2024 which included the following:
Effective July 1, 2024:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 3%
Effective July 1, 2025:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 3%
Effective July 1, 2026:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 3%
MOU- Immigration Status and Work Authorization
In response to the Union’s new proposed article regarding immigration, the Employer proposed that the section regarding work authorization would not be subject to the grievance procedure.
UAW ASE Counter Proposals
UAW package proposal:
The Union presented a comprehensive package that covered all of the outstanding articles and MOUs.
Article 33- Wages
The Union’s compensation proposal included the following:
Effective July 1, 2024:
- The base rate would be increased by 15%.
- The variable rate would be increased by 7%. In the event the adjusted variable rate salary falls below the adjusted base rate salary, ASEs would receive the greater of the increases described above.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased to 15% more than the minimum wage in Seattle.
Effective October 1, 2024:
- The base rate would be increased by 14%.
Effective January 1, 2025:
- The base rate would be increased by 13%.
Effective July 1, 2025:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The variable rate would be increased by 5%. In the event the adjusted variable rate salary falls below the adjusted base rate salary, ASEs would receive the greater of the increases described above.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 5%.
Effective July 1, 2026:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The variable rate would be increased by 5%. In the event the adjusted variable rate salary falls below the adjusted base rate salary, ASEs would receive the greater of the increases described above.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 5%.
Article 7- Fee and Tuition Waivers
In response to the Employer, the Union proposed ASEs with a 50% FTE appointment or greater would receive a waiver of the IMA bond fee, Sports Field Fee, and YMCA Fee in addition to the current waivers of the operating fee, building fee, technology fee.
Article 35- Workload
In response to the Employer, the Union incorporated language proposed by the Employer regarding if an ASE worked more than 20 hours in a week.
New Article- Immigration
In response to the Employer, the Union made edits to their proposed new article that would focus on international students. The Union is proposing up to 20 hours of paid leave time annually that the University would provide for appointments and/or proceedings related to immigration or citizenship status of an ASE or a family member or dependent.
Next Steps
The next UW & UAW ASE bargaining session is scheduled for May 3, 2024.