UW & UAW ASE Negotiations Recap for April 23, 2024
This recap details the eleventh session for the negotiation for the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW ASEs. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
UW Counter Proposals
UW package proposal:
The Employer presented a comprehensive package that covered all of the outstanding articles and MOUs. As part of the package the Employer presented a counter on wages, Appendix I- GAIP, and MOU- Immigration Status and Work Authorization.
Article 33- Wages
The Employer’s compensation proposal included the following:
Effective July 1, 2024:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 3%
Effective July 1, 2025:
- The base rate would be increased by 5%.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 3%
Effective July 1, 2026:
- The base rate would be increased by 5%.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased by 3%
Appendix I- GAIP
In response to the Union, the Employer proposed effective October 1, 2025 ASEs would cost share in their GAIP premiums; moving from 100% employer covered premiums to 85% employer premiums, with ASEs paying 15% of their GAIP premiums. In response to the Union, the Employer proposed effective October 1, 2025 to raise the vision coverage. The rest of the appendix is being proposed as current contract language until October 1, 2025.
MOU- Immigration Status and Work Authorization
In response to the Union’s new proposed article regarding immigration, the Employer proposed if the University is not able to lawfully employ or continue to employ an ASE as a result of the ASE’s immigration status, upon request, the University would agree to meet with the ASE and the Union to discuss possible employment or re-employment scenarios. In response to the Union’s new proposed article regarding immigration, the Employer proposed to make reasonable efforts to employ or re-employ the ASE as soon as possible after they have notified their department of their work authorization or immigration status that lawfully permits them to work as an ASE. The Employer is proposing nothing in this MOU is subject to the grievance process.
UAW ASE Counter Proposals
Article 33- Wages
The Union’s compensation proposal included the following:
Effective July 1, 2024:
- The base rate would be increased by 47%.
- The variable rate would be increased by 8%. In the event the adjusted variable rate salary falls below the adjusted base rate salary, ASEs would receive the greater of the increases described above.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased to 15% more than the minimum wage in Seattle.
Effective July 1, 2025:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The variable rate would be increased by 5%. In the event the adjusted variable rate salary falls below the adjusted base rate salary, ASEs would receive the greater of the increases described above.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased to 5% more than the minimum wage in Seattle.
Effective July 1, 2026:
- The base rate would be increased by 6%.
- The variable rate would be increased by 5%. In the event the adjusted variable rate salary falls below the adjusted base rate salary, ASEs would receive the greater of the increases described above.
- The minimum ASE hourly rate would be increased to 5% more than the minimum wage in Seattle.
Article 7- Fee and Tuition Waivers
In response to the Employer, the Union proposed ASEs with a 50% FTE appointment or greater would receive a waiver of the Facilities Renovation fee, IMA bond fee, Sports Field Fee, and YMCA Fee in addition to the current waivers of the operating fee, building fee, technology fee.
New Article- Immigration
In response to the Employer, the Union made edits to their proposed new article that would focus on international students. The Union is now proposing ASEs who received a commitment of support at the time of admission and have paid a SEVIS, DACA, and/or F-1 or J-1 visa application processing fee, would be reimbursed by the University upon request and proof of payment up to $500 per ASE. The Union lowered their proposal to now be up to 20 hours of paid leave time annually that the University would provide paid immigration leave for appointments and/or proceedings related to immigration or citizenship status of an ASE or a family member or dependent.
Appendix I- GAIP
In response to the Employer, the Union is now only proposing increases in vision coverage. The rest of the appendix is being proposed as current contract language.
The Union proposed to keep the following article current contract language:
Article 35- Workload
In response to the Employer, the Union reasserted the following articles:
Article 4 – Appointment and Reappointment Notification and Job Description from April 16, 2024.
Tentative Agreements
Article 5- Childcare
This article details the ASE childcare expenses assistance. Effective Fall Quarter 2024, all eligible ASEs will now receive up to $1560 per quarter for childcare expenses incurred during the ASE’s appointment period.
Article 20- Non-Discrimination and Harassment
New contract language was added that the Equity Survey that UAW and the University jointly administer which focuses on ASE-specific concerns would be subject to the University’s Policy on the Appropriate Collection and Use of Demographic Data for Job Applicants and University Personnel. New contract language was added that the website that publicizes the location of every all-gender bathroom on campus would be updated annually.
New MOU: Tracking Discrimination
A new Mou was added stating that on an annual basis, the Civil Rights Investigation Office, Safe Campus, and UW Human Resources Campus Operations Investigations will prepare an assessment report which will at a minimum include information quantifying reports of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. An electronic copy of each report will be made available to the Union.
UAW and UW agreed to maintain current contract language on the following articles:
Article 13- Insurance Programs
Article 16- Layoff
Next Steps
The next UW & UAW ASE bargaining session is scheduled for April 26, 2024.