Labor Relations

UAW RSE – UW Negotiations Recap for April 5 and April 7


This recap details the twenty third and twenty fourth virtual sessions between the University of Washington (UW) and United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4121 for the first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for Research Scientist Engineers (RSEs). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

Classification And Reclassification

  • This article details the classification and reclassification process. This new article details how the Employer will determine what classification an employee falls in, the process for reclassifications, and the position review process.

Position Review Appeal Process

  • This MOU details the position review appeal process. This new MOU details the 30 day timeline for the Union to appeal a position review, the process for selecting a hearing officer, and the hearing process. This new MOU will be in effect for 12 months following ratification of the contract.

Grievance Procedure

  • This article details the grievance procedure. This new article details the grievance process and the timelines associated with the steps.

Hiring, Promotions, and Transfers

  • This article details hiring, promotions, and transfers. This new article details the rights and responsibilities of the Employer, current employees, and applicants with regards to filling positions and applying for promotions/transfers/voluntary demotions and the four-month trial service period for employees who move between positions covered by the agreement.

Hours of Work

  • This article details hours of work and regular work schedules. This new article defines part-time and full-time employees and details the process for temporary FTE reductions and increases.

Layoff, Rehire, and Seniority

  • This article details the layoff, rehire, and seniority processes. This new article details the layoff process and the rehire process including notification. This new article also details the involuntary permanent FTE reduction process.

Performance Evaluations

  • This article details the performance evaluation process. This new article details the timelines for performance evaluations as well as the meeting process, performance feedback, employee responses, and the form used for evaluations.

PI Eligibility

  • This article states that within nine months each department, school, or college will have a process for employees to request principal investigator (PI) status.

Professional Development

  • This article details the professional development of employees. This new article details the processes regarding requesting leave and/or funding for the purpose of professional development.

Time Off and Leave

  • This article details time off and leave policies. This new article details the accrual rates and use of vacation and sick time off and the various other leaves.

Employer Counter Proposals


In response to the Union the Employer changed the proposed language so all employees hired prior to April 1, 2022, who have not received a permanent salary increase within the last 12 months would receive an across-the-board increase of 3.25% up from 2%. The Employer also proposed effective September 1, 2023, all employees would receive an across-the-board increase of 3% up from 2%.

Union Rights

The Employer proposed removal of roster report items that were not relevant to the bargaining unit, the removal of the vacancy report, and removal of the section regarding introductory materials. The Employer proposed to exclude APL from the union rights article due to concerns about federal government information security requirements. The Employer communicated that the parties should develop a separate process for APL.

Union Counter Proposals

Non Discrimination and Harassment

In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed new language from the UW Medicine Policy regarding a respectful work environment.

Union Rights

In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but rejected the Employer’s proposed strike of the section regarding introductory materials and rejected the Employer’s proposed exclusion of APL from the union rights article.

Next Steps

The next UAW and UW bargaining session is scheduled for April 12 and will be held virtually.