Labor Relations

UAW RSE – UW Negotiations Recap for March 22


This recap details the twentieth virtual session between the University of Washington (UW) and United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4121 for the first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for Research Scientist Engineers (RSEs). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

Exit interview

  • This article details exit interviews. This new article details that the Employer will offer exit interviews to all resigning or retiring employees and the Employer and the Union may at any time initiate discussion of exit interviews in Joint/Labor Management Committee meetings.


  • This article details the probation process. This new article details the length of the probationary period, transfers while on probation, and how leave effects your probationary period.

Employer Counter Proposals

Classification And Reclassification

In response to the Union the Employer changed the proposed language to add that an employee may also request the position review process.


In response to the Union the Employer reasserted much of their previous initial proposal while making edits in the successor agreement section. The Employer is proposing a three year contract.

Non Discrimination and Harassment

In response to the Union the Employer added proposed language around lactation stations.

Performance Evaluations

In response to the Union the Employer reasserted much of their previous initial proposal making small housekeeping edits.

PI Eligibility

In response to the Union the Employer lowered the timeline to 10 months from a year that each department, school, or college would have to create a written policy which would provide a pathway by which employees are able to achieve principal investigator status.

Professional Development

In response to the Union the Employer added proposed language stating departments are encouraged to set aside funds for professional development as budgets will permit.

Union Counter Proposals

Classification And Reclassification

In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed new language stating when determining whether reclassification is appropriate, the Employer would evaluate these changes using the RSE Questionnaire, RSE Career Paths, and Class Specifications.


In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but rejected the Employer’s proposed language around the window that both parties have to request negotiation of a successor agreement.

International Scholars and Rights

The Union proposed language from the Postdoc CBA and added language stating the University would pay visa processing fees and expenses for the employees it sponsors.

Performance Evaluations

In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed language stating upon request, an employee would be provided with any training/development recommendations or action plans to assist in their professional development goals.

PI Eligibility

In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed language stating requests to be considered for PI eligibility will be processed in a timely manner and will be responded to in writing. The Union is proposing six months that each department, school, or college would have to create a written policy which would provide a pathway by which employees are able to achieve principal investigator status.

Professional Development

In response to the Employer the Union agreed to much of the Employers language but added proposed language stating the Employer will list the policy from each department regarding professional development funds on a central website.

Time off and Leave

In response to the Employer the Union added proposed language stating employees are encouraged to consult with their Human Resources Consultant regarding shared leave and time off balances in instances where balances are low.

Next Steps

The next UAW and UW bargaining session is scheduled for March 29 and will be held virtually.