Labor Relations

UW & UAW Postdocs Negotiations Recap for January 30, 2023


This recap details the seventeenth session for the negotiation for the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW Postdocs. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

Article 8 – Health and Safety

  • The section for reasonable accommodations was removed and a new separate article was created to better define reasonable accommodations. The rest of the article remained current contract language.

New Article – Reasonable Accommodations

  • This article details reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities and pregnant employees. A new article was created to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, regulations, and executive orders.

UAW Counter Proposals

Article 32- Wages

In response to the Employer, the Union created a separate section for Postdoctoral Scholar Paid Directs. New language was added stating that Postdoctoral Scholars paid directly by a non-UW entity/funding source with new appointments, reappointments, or anniversary dates (whichever comes first) after April 1, 2023 would be paid a minimum of $58,000. Postdoctoral Scholars paid directly by a non-UW entity/funding source with new appointments, reappointments, or anniversary dates (whichever comes first) after January 1, 2024 would be paid a minimum of $65,000.

UW Counter Proposals

Article 32- Wages

In response to the Union, the Employer added new language around Postdoctoral Scholar Paid Directs. New language was added stating effective January 1, 2024, the minimum for new appointments and reappointments of Postdoctoral Scholars paid directly by a non-UW entity/funding source would be $54,840.

Next Steps

The next UW & UAW Postdocs bargaining session is scheduled for February 10, 2023 and will be held virtually.