Labor Relations

UW & UAW Postdocs Negotiations Recap for January 20, 2023


This recap details the fifteenth session for the negotiation for the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW Postdocs. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

Article 5 – Childcare

  • This article details the Postdoctoral Scholar childcare fund. The yearly childcare fund was raised to $75,000 per year up from $50,000 in 2022.

Article 25 – Titles and Classifications

  • Small housekeeping edits were made to this article.

Article 27- Transportation

  • This article details transportation. New language was added stating Postdoctoral Scholars working on the Seattle Campus will have access to Husky Night Walk and UW Night Ride services. New language was also added stating the Employer will provide Postdoctoral Scholars with a fully subsidized U-PASS. Lastly, new language was added stating upon the request of the Postdoctoral Scholar, if they do not have access to shower facilities in their work location, access to shower facilities may be granted at a nearby UW-controlled building that has shower facilities.

UW Counter Proposals

New Article – Reasonable Accommodations

In response to the Union, the Employer made small language edits to the proposed new language regarding reasonable accommodations.

UAW Counter Proposals

Article 32- Wages

In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to strike the pay table and go to a set pay scale. The new proposed salaries would be effective January 1, 2023, the minimum salary/stipend for Postdoctoral Scholars is $65,508. Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum salary/stipend for Postdoctoral Scholars shall be $72,000. All Postdoctoral Scholars shall receive a salary/stipend increase of no less than three percent every year on the anniversary date of their appointment. Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellows and Postdoctoral Scholar Paid Directs with new appointments, reappointments, or anniversary dates (whichever comes first) after January 1, 2023, would have their total stipend increased to $65,508 on March 1, 2023 or upon appointment, reappointment, or anniversary date.

New Article – Reasonable Accommodations

In response to the Employer, the Union made edits to the proposed new language regarding reasonable accommodations.

Next Steps

The next UW & UAW Postdocs bargaining session is scheduled for January 26, 2023 and will be held virtually.