WSNA – UW (UWMC Montlake and NW) Negotiations Recap for September 16
This recap details the first virtual session between the University of Washington (UW) and Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) for the renewal of two collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), one for University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) – Montlake (ML) and one for UWMC – Northwest (NW). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
UW Economic Proposal
Across-the-Board Increases
In addition to the 5% Critical Recruitment and Retention increase implemented August 1, 2022, the Employer also proposed that effective beginning of the pay period following 90 days after ratification of the 23-25 CBA, all step values of tables BJ and BZ range 02 would be increased by 3%.
The Employer additionally proposed that effective July 1, 2023, all step values of tables BJ and BZ range 02 would be increased by 4%, and that effective July 1, 2024, all step values of tables BJ and BZ range 02 would be increased by 3%.
Date | Increase |
August 1, 2022* | 5% |
90 days post ratification | 3% |
July 1, 2023 | 4% |
July 1, 2024 | 3% |
*This pay increase has already been implemented.
Pre-Scheduled Voluntary Double-Time
The Employer proposed that pre-scheduled voluntary double-time shifts could be offered after the initial scheduled bid is incorporated and posted at both UWMC-ML and UWMC-NW. Permanent FTE nurses would be eligible to volunteer for pre-scheduled double-time shifts when they are scheduled to meet their permanent FTE within the pay period. Nonpermanent and Intermittent (Per Diem) nurses would not be eligible to volunteer for pre-scheduled double-time shifts until they have scheduled up to 36 hours in the week of the pre-scheduled double-time shift, and would only be compensated at double-time if they worked all those scheduled hours that week. Nurses calling in sick on voluntary double-time shifts would not receive sick pay.
WSNA Initial Proposals
Article 7 – Hours of Work and Overtime
For both UWMC-NW and UWMC-ML, the Union proposed to increase from 16 days to 28 days the time that schedules are posted in advance of the work schedule.
MOU – Nurse Practice Act
For both UWMC-NW and UWMC-ML, the Union proposed new language stating that nurses in departments with non-nurse management would have a direct nurse resource identified and available at all times for the purpose of clinical guidance and direction. The language also states that non-clinical managers who receive inquiries regarding clinical practice would direct those inquiries to the appropriate resource.
MOU – Emergency Department Mandatory Standby
The Union proposed to strike the MOU stating that standby would be mandatory in the Emergency Department at UWMC-ML.
Next Steps
The next UW and WSNA bargaining session is scheduled for September 20 and will be held virtually.