Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for August 24, 2022


This recap details the twenty-third virtual sessions for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website. The parties agreed to ground rules for these negotiations.

Tentative Agreements

  • Article – Employee Facilities
    • The parties agreed to language regarding adequacy of facilities for employees. The parties agreed that the Employer would continue to provide access to wellness rooms for medical needs, lactation, and/or religious and spiritual practice. When an employee is required to report to a UW worksite that is not their typical work location, temporary workspaces will be made available.
  • Article – Telework
    • The parties agreed to language establishing telework in accordance with the University Telework Policy which encourages and allows for the use of telework arrangements and flexible scheduling taking into consideration business operations, good public practice and resources limitation. The parties also agreed to language regarding providing the reason for denial of telework in writing. The parties agreed to telework as an accommodation which would include requests through the Disability Accommodation process

Union Counter Proposals

Duties & Assignments – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to remove the percentages of the job duties for core duties and research and service proposed by the Employer, instead including language that all job duties are generally carried out as described in the hours of work article. The Union proposed language that a documented conversation would be required for any additional duties which would include the nature of the work, the duration and how the current state of work would be adjusted.

Transportation, Travel and Commute Reduction – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed, upon request, the Employer would provide the written reason for denial of a flexible schedule request. The Union proposed that telework would be outlined in the specific telework article.

Employer Counter Proposals

Appointments – In response to the Union, the Employer proposed language regarding the types of appointments for Professional Libraries and Press employees which would be a regular appointment of 12 months per year and UW Libraries Librarians and Gallagher Law Librarians which could be provisional, permanent, or temporary at a minimum of .5 FTE. The proposal also included language regarding temporary librarian appointments as well as language to address project appointments (temporary) for Professional Libraries and Press employees. The employer also proposed language for interim or administrative appointments, with language for Professional Libraries and Press employees and language for Librarians. The proposal addressed movement between positions for Professional Libraries and Press employees, which stated that employees who transfer, move laterally or voluntarily demote, will service a 6-week trial service period.

Represented Limited Term Hourly Employees – The Employer proposed language for Professional Libraries and Press represented limited term hourly employees. The language includes that the work would be temporary up to six months on an hourly basis, and prorated for holidays, sick time off, vacation time off, personal holiday and may be extended upon request.

Layoff, Seniority, Rehire – In response to the Union, the Employer proposed that the layoff notice period is at least 30 calendar days in advance of implementation of removing positions. The proposed language would include Professional Libraries and Press Employees would be laid off in accordance with seniority categories, while Librarian layoffs may include criteria such as position or employee specific skills, rank, appointment status or funding source. The proposed language included formal employment options for Professional Libraries and Press Employees, which is offered first when a layoff is necessary and into a funded vacant position in the job profile in current grade or job profile series in lower grade and layoff unit. Should more than one employee from the seniority group be laid off, eligibility will be based on calendar days as a tie breaker. The proposed language for formal employment options for Librarians is a funded vacant librarian position within the layoff unit or placed on the rehire list. The proposed language includes an employment option trial period of three months when an employee is in a vacant position, during which time either party may initiate placement onto the rehire list. The proposal included language to address an involuntary FTE increase or decrease, allowing for an employee to go on the rehire list if they do not choice to stay in the increased or decreased position. The layoff units proposed was for UW Libraries Seattle, Bothell, Tacoma and Network of the National Library of Medicine, the Gallagher Law Library, and the UW Press. The proposed language includes voluntary layoff for Professional Libraries and Press or a Librarian, excluding temporary librarians. The language includes information that the employee could provide their resume within five business days of notification of layoff. And included that temporary librarians are not eligible for placement on the rehire list. The proposed language includes referral from the rehire list in seniority order for Professional Libraries and Press Employees for any open positions for which they hold the essential skills. The language includes information that the Employer would refer librarians for any open positions for which they hold the essential skills from the designated rehire list and would be offered the position prior to the Employer posting for competitive recruitment. For librarians, the employee will make offers from the rehire list based on the rank held at the time of layoff. The employer proposal included a 3 month rehire trial period for both Professional Libraries and Press employees as well as librarians. Finally, the proposal included language for when removal from the rehire list occurs.

Health & Safety – In response to the Union, the Employer proposed language that if an employee assigned to work during an anticipated event has concerns of personal safety, they could discuss their concerns with their supervisor who may approve a temporary alternative assignment during the event.

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for September 6 and will be held virtually.