UW & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for August 10, 2022
This recap details the third and fourth virtual sessions for the 2023-2025 collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
Employer Initial Proposals
The Employer proposed to carry over most of the content from the current SEIU 925 CBA articles listed below with minor edits:
- Article 17 – Vacation
- Article 20 – Miscellaneous Leave
- Article 23 – Shared Leave
- Article 24 – Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience
- Article 25 – Absence due to Family Care Emergencies
- Article 27 – Leave Related to Domestic Violence
- Article 29 – Military Duty Time Off & Leave
- Article 44 – Classifications and Reclassifications
- Article 50 – No Strike/Lockout
Employee Rights –The Employer proposed to include the specific name of the University’s policy relating to Off Duty Employment for clarification purposes.
Washington Family Medical Leave Program –The Employer proposed language that adds bereavement time off as an available supplemental benefit when an employee is qualified for PFML.
Federal Family Medical Leave Act and Parental Leave –The Employer proposed to increase the definition of parental leave to up to six months and add language clarifying that temporary disability leave for pregnancy is in addition to parental leave for birth parents.
Inclement Weather and Suspended Operations –The Employer proposed language clarifying that employees in essential positions would need to report to work during suspended operations only if the positions are not conducive to telework. .
Duration –The Employer proposed to extend the duration of the collective bargaining agreement from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025.
Inter-System Movement –The Employer proposed to remove outdated language relating to vacation leave and add clarifying language relating to vacation accrual rate.
Sick Leave –The Employer proposed language updating the calculation of paid sick time off, stating that employees on unpaid time off exceeding 80 hours in a month (prorated for part time) would earn a monthly accrual proportionate to the number of hours in pay status in the month to that required for employment. The Employer also added additional conditions where sick time off will be permitted, and clarified that former employees will be granted all unused sick time credits if they are re-employed within 5 years of separation.
Civil Jury Duty Leave and Bereavement Leave –The Employer proposed language to include the stillbirth or miscarriage of a child as a form of bereavement time off.
Work Related Injury Leave –The Employer proposed to remove language that allowed the employer to determine whether an employee would maintain seniority when leave without pay exceeded six months.
Layoff Seniority Units –The Employer proposed minor updates for the appropriate layoff seniority units within the organizations.
Union Initial Proposals
Non-Discrimination –The Union proposed language that employees who feel they have been the subject of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation are encouraged to report the incident on the bias reporting tool. The Union proposed to increase the timeline for filing a grievances alleging a violation of the article from 180 days to 365 days. The Union additionally proposed that employees with direct reporting staff would take an annual diversity training and a report would be sent to the Union.
Reasonable Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities –The Union proposed to include a link to the Disabilities Services Office for employees requesting an accommodation.
Workplace Behavior –The Union proposed to add a reference to the bias reporting tool when an employee believes they have been subjected to inappropriate workplace behavior. The Union further proposed that sensitivity training would be scheduled for the entire department where the incident allegedly occurred. The Union also proposed language clarifying that retaliation would be viewed as a separate violation for those who make a workplace behavior complaint.
Affirmative Action –The Union proposed additional terminology for groups included in affirmative action, and proposed to strike current language relating to the Union’s participation in affirmative action plans, requiring that the University Diversity Committee meet with the Union quarterly to discuss affirmative action goals and timelines.
Hours of Work –The Union proposed language that temporary shift changes not mutually agreed upon would not be employed to avoid the payment of shift differentials or holiday pay.
Hiring, Appointments, Promotions, and Transfers –The Union proposed language requiring that joint labor management staffing meetings be scheduled within one week of any positions remaining unfilled more than 14 days longer than the average time to fill a position, or where unfilled positions are being covered by travelers longer than 30 days. The Union also proposed that meetings be combined across departments with similar open positions, and that departments are encouraged to share information about the hiring process and timelines for vacant positions.
Seniority Layoff Rehire –The Union proposed language that would include higher-level positions as an employment option in the event of a layoff, and that HR would assist employees in identifying vacant positions if the employee has been employed in the classification for three or more years and has no other employment options.
Employee Training and Development –The Union proposed language requiring departments and units to create, maintain, and publish employee training and development plans, and encouraging them to provide at least $200 annually per employee for approved educational or training programs. The Union proposed release time up to 24 hours per quarter plus travel time for training and development, not to include management-directed training. The Union also proposed that the University would encourage support for Continuing Education for all bargaining units, and proposed increasing reimbursement for educational and training programs for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants from $500 to $500 per fiscal year.
Inclement Weather and Suspended Operations–The Union proposed language stating that an employee who arrives within one hour from the start of the shift during inclement weather would receive straight time pay from the shift start time. The Union also proposed language that during inclement weather, campus closures, or suspended operations, telework should be the first choice for continuity, and if job duties would not be possible by telework, all regular hours worked onsite would be paid as time and a half and overtime would be paid as double time.
Disparate Treatment –The Union proposed a new article which states that represented employees would not be subject to a stricter interpretation or enforcement of rules, polices, or practices than their faculty peers or other professional staff.
Video/Audio Monitoring –The Union proposed a new article on video/audio monitoring which expands the existing MOU specific to the Transportation Services office to apply to all departments throughout the University. The Union also proposed additional changes to the requirements around video/audio monitoring, stating that audio shall not be recorded except in restricted access areas, and that maintenance of written logs would comply with UW records retention policies.
MOU Executive Order No. 52 –The Union proposed a new MOU requiring that Executive Order No. 52 be revised and updated, including a revised list of units that offer training programs and current procedures for applying for training.
Employer Counter Proposals
Employee Training and Development –In response to the Union’s initial proposal presented on August 4, the Employer proposed language stating that training related to software programs required for a position be made available during departmental onboarding. The Employer also proposed to remove language that had previously been implemented, to add clarification surrounding the effective dates for reimbursement costs, and to incorporate language from the Dietitian bargaining MOU relating to educational time off and reimbursement for educational expenses.
Health & Safety – In response to the Union’s proposal to create a new article for Safety Training and Equipment, the Employer proposed additional language in the existing Health and Safety article stating that every effort would be made to ensure first aid and evacuation kits are up to date, and if an employee determines that any supplies are expired, they could submit a request to their supervisor for replacement. The Employer also proposed language that training would be provided per recommended guidelines, and provided links to the University’s website containing building emergency procedures and resources for active shooter training.
Employee Facilities –The Employer proposed adding wellness rooms as a proper subject for discussion in Joint Union-Management Committees relating to the adequacy of employee facilities.
Holidays –The Employer accepted the Union’s proposed language stating that when a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled day off, the employee would receive prorated holiday credit.
Next Steps
The next UW and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for August 30 and will be held virtually.